- 👋 Hi, I’m Shenmarukai or Shane Mulcahy.
- 👀 I’m interested in robotics, neural networks, reverse engineering, game development, and software development.
- The languages I am most proficient in are:
- C
- C++
- Rust
- Assembly
- The languages I am semi-proficient in are:
- TypeScript
- Go
- Python
- I'm currently doing independent research on robotics, neural networks, and reverse engineering.
- 📫 You can reach me at:
- Discord: shenmarukai
- Email: [email protected]
- Pronouns: they/them/she/her
- BewusstseinLabs is an organization dedicated to developing complex and performant algorithms for robotics.
- graphs is a library dedicated to graph theory and graph based algorithms.
- linear-algebra is a library dedicated to linear algebra.
- dynamics is a library dedicated to dynamics.
- kinematics is a library dedicated to kinematics.
- neural-networks is a library dedicated to neural networks.
- robotics is a library that combines the above libraries into robotics components.