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LucileDT edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 16 revisions

Bootstrap Calendar

A Full view calendar based on Twitter Bootstrap. Please try the demo

Bootstrap Calendar animated preview


Why did I start this project? Well, I believe there are no good full view calendar's out there with native Bootstrap support. In fact I could not find even one. A different UI and UX concept approach is also used.



  • Reusable - there is no UI in this calendar. All buttons to switch view or load events are done separately. You will end up with your own uniquie calendar design.
  • Template based - all view like year, month, week or day are based on templates. You can easily change how it looks or style it or even add new custom view.
  • LESS - easy adjust and style your calendar with less variables file.
  • AJAX - It uses AJAX to feed calendar with events. You provide URL and just return by this URL JSON list of events.
  • i18n - language files are connected separately. You can easily translate the calendar into your own language. Holidays are also diplayed on the calendar according to your language

How to contribute?

Feel free from fork the project, fix bugs, add features, and pull to master. Even edit wiki and add documentation

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