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Lucene CuVS Integration

This is an integration for CuVS, GPU accelerated vector search library from NVIDIA (formerly part of Raft), into Apache Lucene.


As an initial integration, the CuVS library is plugged in as a new KnnVectorFormat via a custom codec.


By way of a working example, Wikipedia corpus (1.3M documents) can be indexed, each document having a content vector. Queries (questions.vec.txt) can be executed after the indexing.

⚠️ This is not production ready yet.


Install NVIDIA drivers, CUDA 12.3+, Maven 3.9.6+ and JDK 21.

# 1.3 Million wikipedia documents with vector embeddings, along with some query embeddings
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=cuvs-searcher-cuda-0.1.jar
mvn package

java -cp lucene/target/cuvs-searcher-lucene-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:cuvs-searcher-cuda-0.1.jar com.searchscale.lucene.vectorsearch.benchmarks.LuceneVectorSearchExample <dump_file> <vector_column_number> <vector_column_name> <number_of_documents_to_index> <vector_dimension> <query_file> <commit_at_number_of_documents> <topK> <no. of HNSW indexing threads> <no. of cuvs indexing threads> <merge_strategy options: NO_MERGE | TRIVIAL_MERGE | NON_TRIVIAL_MERGE> <queryThreads> <hnswMaxConn> <hnswBeamWidth> <hnswVisitedLimit> <cagraIntermediateGraphDegree> <cagraGraphDegree> <cagraITopK> <cagraSearchWidth>

java -Xmx32G -cp lucene/target/cuvs-searcher-lucene-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:cuvs-searcher-cuda-0.1.jar com.searchscale.lucene.vectorsearch.benchmarks.LuceneVectorSearchExample wikipedia_vector_dump.csv.gz 3 article_vector 12000000 768 query.txt 300000 10 32 32 NO_MERGE 1 16 100 10 128 64 5 1

(Outputs will be available in benchmarks-results.json and neighbors.csv)


  • Vivek Narang, SearchScale
  • Ishan Chattopadhyaya, SearchScale & Committer, Apache Lucene & Solr
  • Corey Nolet, NVIDIA
  • Puneet Ahuja, SearchScale
  • Kishore Angani, SearchScale
  • Noble Paul, SearchScale & Committer, Apache Lucene & Solr