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SciLifeLab Data Platform website

Co-ocurrence of keywords

This site shows co-occurrence plots created using VOS viewer. The published image from this repo is then hosted in serve.

Things to know first

  • Data folder should contain all the VOS plot JSON files (which are created using VOS java application)

  • Modify the index.html to show the correct list of plots

  • VOSviewer-Online is github repo, the current version here is 1.2.1. No modification is neccesary, but if some other version is needed, then delete the current folder and follow the intruction mentioned below.

Clone and modify VOSviewer online

VOSviewer-Online repo should be cloned and modified for our usage. Run the following commands

  • first git clone --depth=1

  • then sed -i "" "s|publicPath: ? '/' : undefined,|publicPath: ? '/vosviewer/' : undefined,|g" VOSviewer-Online/webpack.config.babel.js

  • then sed -i "s|to: absolute('dist', bundleName, 'images/|to: absolute('dist', bundleName, 'vosviewer-online/images/|g" VOSviewer-Online/webpack.config.babel.js

  • then rm -rf vosviewer-online/.git*