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[Improved Fork] Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers


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Bootstrap Tour Extended Build Status

Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers.

Fork of sorich87 bootstrap-tour v1.

Extra features


  • Tour constructor now accept a template attribute thus the labels.* attribute has been removed.
  • Tour now emits an skipping(step) event when skipping a step because the element is not visible.
  • next() and prev() return promise that is resolved when the popover is shown and that all callbacks have been executed
  • If onShow (at the step level or Tour level) returns a promise (see $.Deferred()), Bootstrap-tour will wait until the completition of the promise(s) before displaying the popover
  • Persistence option Memory, Cookie, LocalStorage via constructor new Tour({persistence:"LocalStorage"})
  • onHide, onShow and onShown callbacks now have a second argument Event with
    • {String} Event.trigger:: api | popover | reflex
    • {jQuery} Event.element: the current step element (onShow Event does not provides the element attribute use onShown` instead)
  • addStep now accept a function as element
  • addStep and Tour constructor now accept addClass string attribute, the specified css class will then be added to the popover element
  • the popover element now have an automatically added {}-step{step.index} css class

Bug fix

  • In reflex mode, leave the same css pointer as it was.
  • Don't create unnecessary $() objects
  • Remove event handlers after each step when reflex:true
  • onHide, onShow, onShown callbacks at the step level should not override onHide, onShow, onShown at the tour level

Getting Started

In your web page:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.tooltip.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.popover.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap-tour.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Initialize the tour
var tour = new Tour({

//  Add steps
  element: "", /* html element (or function) next to which the step popover should be shown */
  title: "", /* title of the popover */
  content: "" /* content of the popover */
// etc...

// Start the tour

tour.on('skipping', function(step){
  console.log("Step", step.index, "was skipped");

// Now next() and prev() return a promise that is resolved when all callbacks are called
// and the popover is shown, "done"));


For the Tour instance API see the original documentation

Tour Constructor

The Tour constructor accepts an option object with the following optional attributes:

# {String} This option is used to build the name of the cookie where the tour state is stored. You can initialize several tours with different names in the same page and application.
name: "tour"

# {String} "Cookie" | "LocalStorage" | "Memory" (default "Memory")
# Note: persistence: "Cookie" requires jquery.cookie.js
persistence: "Memory"

# {Boolean} Keyboard navigation
keyboard: true

# {Function} Navigation template,
# Element with `.prev`, `.next` and `.end` MAY be present and
# will be removed at runtime if necessary
# The template can be an underscore template or $.tmpl ...
template:(step) ->
      <a href="#{step.prev}" class="prev">Previous</a>
      <a href="#{}" class="next">Next</a>
      <a href="#" class="pull-right end">End tour</a>

afterSetState: (key, value) ->
afterGetState: (key, value) ->

# Global step settings shared between the steps
  # {String | Function(step)} Default step title

  # {String | Function(step)} Default step content

  # {String} Css class to add to the .popover element
  # Note: if `addClass` is defined at the step level, the two defined `addClass` will
  # be taken into account in the popover

  # {Function} Function to execute right before each step is shown.
  # If onShow returns a promise (see $.Deferred() documentation), Bootstrap-tour will wait until
  # completition of the promise before displaying the popover
  # Note: if `onShow` is defined at the step level, the two defined `onShow`
  # callbacks will be taken into account in the step.
  onShow: (tour, event) ->

  #  {Function} Function to execute right after each step is shown.
  # Note: if `onShown` is defined at the step level, the two defined `onShown`
  # callbacks will be taken into account in the step.
  onShown: (tour, event) ->

  # {Function} Function to execute right before each step is hidden.
  # Note: if `onHide` is defined at the step level, the two defined `onHide`
  # callbacks will be taken into account in the step.
  onHide: (tour, event) ->

.addStep(options) options object

# Step index
index: i

# {String} Path to the page on which the step should be shown. this allows you
# to build tours that span several pages!
path: ""

# {jQuery | Css Selector | Function} HTML element on which the step popover
# should be shown.

# {String} How to position the popover - top | bottom | left | right.
placement: "right"

# {String | Function(step)} Step title
title: ""

# {String | Function(step)} Step content
content: ""

# {Number} Index of the step to show after this one, starting from 0 for the
# first step of the tour. -1 to not show the link to next step.
# By default, the next step (in the order you added them) will be shown.
next: if i == @_steps.length - 1 then -1 else i + 1

# {Number} Index of the step to show before this one, starting from 0 for
# the first step of the tour. -1 to not show the link to previous step.
# By default, the previous step (in the order you added them) will be shown.
prev: i - 1

# {Boolean} Apply a css fade transition to the tooltip.
animation: true

# {Boolean} Enable the reflex mode, click on the element to continue the tour
reflex: false

# {String} Css class to add to the .popover element for this step only

# {Function} Function to execute right before each step is shown.
# If onShow returns a promise (see $.Deferred() documentation), Bootstrap-tour will wait until
# completition of the promise before displaying the popover
onShow: (tour, event) ->

# {Function} Function to execute right after each step is shown.
onShown: (tour, event) ->

# {Function} Function to execute right before each step is hidden.
onHide: (tour, event) ->


Install with npm install bootstrap-tour

Release History

v0.1.0 - Initial commit


Copyright (c) 2013 FG Ribreau Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Important notes

Please don't edit files in the dist subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the src subdirectory!

While grunt can run the included unit tests via PhantomJS, this shouldn't be considered a substitute for the real thing. Please be sure to test the test/*.html unit test file(s) in actual browsers.


[Improved Fork] Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers



GPL-2.0, MIT licenses found

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