Arpl port has been back to 7681.
Due to certain security risks associated with port 5000 in certain situations.
It is recommended that users using arpl-i18n v23.7.0~v23.8.0 upgrade to v23.8.1 as soon as possible.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you.
Arpl 端口回退到 7681.
由于某些情况下 5000 端口存在安全风险.
建议 使用 arpl-i18n v23.7.0~v23.8.0 的用户尽快升级到 v23.8.1.
对给您带来的不便, 我深表歉意.
I am not proficient in language, and even my English is very poor.
Developers who are familiar with various languages are welcome to submit PR.