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2016 Ripple Foundation Community Interest Company

Author: Rob Tweed, M/Gateway Developments Ltd (@rtweed)


qewd-ripple is a Node.js-based Middle Tier , built as a key element of the open platform showcase stack supported by the Ripple Foundation, based on the QEWDjs framework.

Qewd-Ripple can be explained as; QewdJS related library for Ripple/Ripple is leveraging QewdJS .. so the terms Ripple-Qewd and Qewd-Ripple are used interchangeably here.

More details on the work of the Ripple Foundation is available here.

More details on QEWDjs is available at

Installing and Configuring the Ripple Foundation Node.js / QEWD-Ripple Middle Tier

Please follow ALL the steps listed below:

1) Assumptions

The QEWD-Ripple Middle Tier is designed to run on a Linux platform (eg Ubuntu 16.04). The embedded Redis or Open Source GT.M database is used as a high-performance cache and session store.

2) DO NOT install or configure QEWD-Ripple using the "root" username! ALWAYS use a non-root username that

has sudo prvileges.

If your Linux machine / VM only has a root user, you'll need to create a non-root user with sudo privileges.

If you already log in to your Linux machine with a non-root user, the user will need to have sudo privileges. You can check this by typing:


sudo should be one of the groups listed, eg:

    ripple@Ripple-2Gb-ShowcaseDemo-m3:~$ groups
    ripple sudo

To create a new user named ripple (change to whatever you want) (when logged in as root):

 adduser ripple

You'll be asked for a password. You'll also be asked for user details which you can just leave blank by hitting the Enter key each time.

To give the user (ripple in this example) sudo privileges:

 usermod -aG sudo ripple

3) **Use one installer script from this repo, as the "ripple" user, to create the QEWD/Node.js-based Ripple

Middle Tier and UI**.

We suggest you either install qewd-ripple with Redis as its database:

  cd ~

(NB: during the installation, you'll be asked for the settings it should use for Redis & IPTables setup. Just accept all the default values by pressing the {Enter} key when asked.)

OR install qewd-ripple with GT.M as its database:

  cd ~

N.B. Do not run both install scripts! There is another install script option, for a Raspberry Pi, see below.

The installer scripts install and configures the following:

  • Redis or the Open Source GT.M database (used by Ripple stack's middle tier as a high-performance session cache and Document Store)
  • Node.js
  • QEWD
  • The QEWD-based Ripple Stack Middle Tier
  • The Ripple Showcase Pulsetile (User Interface) files
  • A MySQL-based Patient Administration (PAS) database

4) When the installer has completed, you'll find two template startup files in the ~/qewd directory:

  • ripple-demo.js (Designed to run the RippleOSI system in demo mode)
  • ripple-secure.js (Designed to run the RippleOSI system in secure mode, using Auth0 for identity management)

Demo Mode

If you just want to try out the Ripple Showcase stack via Qewd-Ripple, use the demo startup file - no changes are needed to it. Just type the following in a terminal window to start it up:

    cd ~/qewd
    node ripple-demo

In this mode, the UI will bypass the user login and you'll be automatically logged in as a user named Bob Smith, with access to all the simulated patient data.

Secure Mode

If you want proper user authentication, use the secure mode startup file. This expects to use Auth0 as an OAuth2 identity management provider.

You'll need to modify these lines in the ripple-secure.js file:

   var config = {
    auth0: {
      domain:       '',
      clientID:     'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
      callbackURL:  '',
      clientSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

to correspond with the values for your Auth0 client. You can set up a client for free on Auth0 (

The callbackURL should use the IP address/domain name of the server on which you've installed RippleOSI, but must point to /auth0/token on this machine. The callbackURL must be defined as an allowed callback URL in your Auth0 client configuration.

Once you've edited the ripple-secure.js file, you should now be able to start the RippleOSI Middle Tier by typing:

  cd ~/qewd
  node ripple-secure

The startup file (~/qewd/ripple-secure.js) is set up to listen in the clear via port 8081. The nginx configuration file (/etc/nginx/sites-available/default) is set up to provide the SSL service for your system and proxies the ripple-secure QEWD system. The qewd-ripple installer includes a self-signed certificate (installed in the ~/qewd/ssl directory). Switch these out for a proper SSL certificate and adjust the nginx SSL configuration in the sites-available/default file.

5) Startup: IPAddress & Port

Point at the browser at the server's IP address and it should start up, eg:

Note: as a last step, the installer attempts to add an iptables rule to map port 3000 to port 80. (i.e. nginx is set up as a proxy - it listens on port 80 and maps to port 3000) On some systems it has been noticed that this step fails. If this is the case, then the above URL will not work. However, if you specify port 3000, it should burst into life, eg:

If you're running in secure mode, the first time you connect you'll be redirected to Auth0's Lock screen, through which you can log in.

The Ripple Showcase Stack User Interface known as PulseTile should then appear.

6) You'll probably want to run the Ripple-QEWD middle tier as a background service. The easiest way is to use PM2

which has already been installed for you.

If you want to run the demo mode as a service:

 cd ~/qewd
 pm2 start ripple-demo.js

The console output from the middle tier process is piped by PM2 to a log file in:


It will initially be:


You can view it using:

 tail -f ~/.pm2/logs/ripple-demo-out-0.log

If, for some reason, the middle tier crashes, PM2 will automatically restart it.

To stop the middle tier service:

 pm2 stop ripple-demo

For more information about PM2, see:

7) Monitoring what's going on in the QEWD layer

The qewd-ripple installer also installs the qewd-monitor application which is a useful tool for checking the health of your Ripple system, controlling its processes and viewing the Document Store and QEWD Session data (in which OpenEHR data is cached for each user).

To run the qewd-monitor application, point your browser at:

    Change the IP address as appropriate, and optionally specify port 3000

The default management password is keepThisSecret!

You can change this by editing the qewd-ripple startup file (~/qewd/ripple-demo.js or ~/qewd/ripple-secure.js). Add the property managementPassword to the config object, eg:

   var ewdRipple = require('qewd-ripple/lib/startup');
   var config = {
     managementPassword: 'myNewPassword',
     port: 3000,
     poolSize: 2,
     ripple: {
       mode: 'demo'

Updating the PulseTile User Interface

From time to time, updates to the PulseTile User Interface are released. You can update your system by running the installer script that you'll find in your qewd-ripple repository directory at:


Run this by simply typing:

    source ~/qewd/node_modules/qewd-ripple/installer/

Note: DO NOT run this as root. Log in using the same username that you used to install qewd-ripple, eg "ripple"

Installing and running Ripple Showcase stack on a Raspberry Pi

Believe it or not, it's also possible to install and run a fully-working Ripple showcase stack system on a Raspberry Pi!

If you want to give it a try, you should use a newly-installed version of Raspbian, ideally with no other software installed. Then follow these steps:

  cd ~

Be patient - it takes time to build Redis and the MySQL database server in particular, but once it completes, you'll have a fully-working QEWD and Ripple system.

Note: during the installation, you'll be asked for the settings it should use for Redis. Just accept all the default values by pressing the Enter key when asked.

PM2 and nginx (which acts as a proxy) are installed and configured for you, and the QEWD Ripple system is automatically started and managed for you as a service by PM2.

So, on completion of the installer, all you need to do is point a browser at the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, eg:

and RippleOSI should burst into life!

To run the qewd-monitor application:

The default management password is: keepThisSecret!

You can change this by editing the qewd-ripple startup file (~/qewd/ripple-rpi.js). Add the property managementPassword to the config object, eg:

   var ewdRipple = require('qewd-ripple/lib/startup');
   var config = {
     managementPassword: 'myNewPassword',
     port: 3000,
     poolSize: 2,
     ripple: {
       mode: 'demo'
     database: {
       type: 'redis'

Restart QEWD-Ripple using:

    pm2 stop ripple-rpi
    pm2 start ripple-rpi

About QEWD.js

For further information on QEWD.js, see


Copyright (c) 2016-17 Ripple Foundation Community Interest Company All rights reserved. Email: [email protected]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Product/Project Support

This product /project is supported by the Ripple Foundation, who aim to enhance the Ripple-Qewd framework, as part of our open platform mission in healthcare. We are working to fund as many of the enhancements of Ripple-Qewd as we can based on projects that our non profit organisation supports.

We will try to fix any key bugs and documentation errors ourselves. Other issues, requests for enhancements or feature additions, will be added to the project backlog.

The Ripple Foundation is committed to offering free and open software, with quality, free and open documentation, but unfortunately is unable to offer free support (which applies to issues/pull requests, in the backlog, etc).

(Our latest thinking on the best model to support our open platform mission in healthcare may best be understood by reading this article.

If you would like to offer some of your energy/ suggest other ideas towards progressing an open platform in healthcare, please contact us at [email protected] )

If you need support with a particular issue/pull request, please let us know and we can consider a bounty source (, to get these reviewed / addressed.

Thanks for your interest in Ripple-Qewd

The Ripple Foundation