- You will need: <br>
- to have your own sqldb setup in order to store encrypted usernames and passwords in this directory. <br>
- you will also to have the python packages installed from requirements.txt (Using Python 3.6)<br>
- Your own bitcoin data. This will be placed online in a separate directory called ... <br>
Development server startup (this is with venv activated): python3 app.py
- /api/v1.0/historical
- /api/v1.0/btcOneMonth
- /api/v1.0/ethOneMonth
- /api/v1.0/btcOneWeek
- /api/v1.0/ethOneWeek
- /api/v1.0/btcOneDay
- /api/v1.0/ethOneDay
- /api/v1.0/login
- /api/v1.0/create
Go to the app.py file to find more information on these endpoints.
The front-end source is in a separate repository: https://github.com/TonyD42/protobot
- This requires npm to run. Please refer to that repositories README file.