ARCHIVED: No further recieve development updates.
Guardian Anticheat, a fast-development, lightweight anticheat for PocketMine-MP.
This is a copy of production use of anticheat made by our server development. Archived due to migrated to the PrideCore which is private project.
We make this open-source to help competitive server to prevent cheating/unfair-advantages.
If you found this project as helpful, you might want to be supporter here.
- Improve KillAura
- Improve more checks on Reach
- Velocity check
- Bad packets check
- Chest stealer check
- Edition Faker (for most advance clients)
- Improve player speed check
- Reach (90% done, some false-positive)
- Timer (100% done, unchecked)
- Bad Packets (100% done, unchecked)
- Instabreak or Nuke (100% done, checked & clean)
- Flight (50% done, unchecked)
- Glitch (100% done, unchecked)
- NoClip (100% done, checked & clean)
- Killaura (20% done, unchecked)
- NoPacket/Blink (100% done, unchecked)
- Autoclicker (0% done)
- Chest stealer (0% done)
- Edition Faker (50% done)
- Speed (0% done)
- Velocity (0% done)