This file will be submitted to GitHub along with your model, so you should customize it to describe your model to other community members who may wish to use your model. Below, we have provided some suggestions on the type of content you may want to include.
Note: For information on formatting files see:
Enter a description of your model here. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible including:
- an introduction of what problem your model solves.
- a description of what machine learning algorithms you used.
- detailed information about the data you used, where it originated from, and any preprocessing that was performed on it.
- highlights of key components added to your model, notably those that helped you implement a specific machine learning algorithm such as Reinforcement learning, GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), Image Classification, Regression, Object Detection, etc.
- an overview of any custom code added to your components, ideally supplemented with code samples.
Describe the directory/file structure of your model here. For example, you could describe the structure as shown here:
- /Data: contains pre-processed versions of the data. This data is split into two sub directories:
- /Data/short_cropped: contains the raw cropped data in .png format.
- /Data/long_cropped: contains preprocessed cropped data in .png format.
- /Model: contains the PerceptiLabs model file (model.json).
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