Download your messages
Choose a friend
And reveal all emotions end-to-end
Download the zip file of your data from here.
You need to tick the message checkbox.
Then you need to set the format to JSON and create a file.
It may take a few hours for Facebook to process your request.
Once your zip file has downloaded:
- Clone the repository
- Install the requirements
- Unzip your data into the repository
Before running the code on your own data, you can check everything is working on the fake data.
>>> python src/ -p fake_data -f johnsmith
This should create the following image in FacebookEmotions/word_clouds.png
If this ran successfully, you can run the code on your own data.
>>> python src/ -p PATH -f FRIEND -l LIMIT
- PATH is the path to your unzipped Facebook data.
- FRIEND is the full name of a friend (I.e. Johnsmith).
- LIMIT is the maximum number of message to process. On my machine, 1000 messages can be processed in about a minute.
This project is based on the Ekman model found in
It can be found in Hugging Face under "monologg/bert-base-cased-goemotions-ekman".
I could not find any other good models that included the 'neutral' emotion, so please get in touch if you find something more appropriate!
- Create our own transformer model with greater accuracy.
- Distill the model so that it can perform inference faster.