Contributors: GamerZ
Donate link:
Tags: poll, polls, polling, vote, booth, democracy, ajax, survey, post, widget
Requires at least: 4.9.6
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 2.74
Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page.
WP-Polls is extremely customizable via templates and css styles and there are tons of options for you to choose to ensure that WP-Polls runs the way you wanted. It now supports multiple selection of answers.
I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.
- NEW: Hashed IP and anonymize Hostname to make it GDPR compliance
- NEW: If Do Not Log is set in Poll Options, do not log to DB
- NEW: Support %POLL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%. This is total votes divided by total voters.
- FIXED: Bug fixes and stricter type checking
- FIXED: Unable to save input HTML tags for footer templates
- FIXED: Unable to vote for multiple answers
- FIXED: input HTML tags being removed when saving templates
- FIXED: Parsed error in SERVER variable.
- FIXED: sanitize_key on top of intval.
- NEW: Added sort by votes casted to poll answers.
- NEW: For polls with mutiple answers, we divided by total votes instead of total voters. Props @ljxprime.
- FIXED: Do not display poll option is not respected when poll is closed.
- FIXED: pollip_qid, pollip_aid, pollip_timestamp are now int(10) in pollsip table.
- FIXED: pollq_expiry is now int(10) in pollsq table.
- NEW: Bump WordPress 4.7
- FIXED: Change cron to hourly instead of twice daily.
- FIXED: Allow local IP
- FIXED: XSS on Poll bar option. Props Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner
- FIXED: Stricter Poll pptions check
- NEW: Display Poll Questions at the top of the Poll Logs table
- FIXED: Remove slashes
- NEW: Use to translate the plugin
- FIXED: SQL Injection fixes. Props Jay Dansand
- FIXED: Use $wpdb->insert(), $wpdb->update() and $wpdb->delete() as much as possible
- FIXED Remove poll_archive_show option from UI
- FIXED: Use wp_kses_post() to get filter always bad tags
- NEW: Add wp_polls_vote_poll_success action hook
- NEW: Add wp_polls_add_poll, wp_polls_update_poll, wp_polls_delete_poll action hooks
- FIXED: PHP Notices
- FIXED: Removed not needed wp_print_scripts
- FIXED: Use esc_attr() and esc_textarea() instead of htmlspecialchars(). Props Govind Singh
- Admin - All Poll
- Admin - Manage Polls
- Admin - Poll Options
- Admin - Poll Templates
- Admin - Poll Widget
- Admin - Uninstall Poll
- Poll - Single Poll Answer
- Poll - Mutiple Poll Answers
- Poll - Results
- Poll - Archive
<?php if ( function_exists( 'vote_poll' ) && ! in_pollarchive() ): ?>
<li><?php get_poll();?></li>
<?php display_polls_archive_link(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
- To show specific poll, use
<?php get_poll(2); ?>
where 2 is your poll id. - To show random poll, use
<?php get_poll(-2); ?>
- To embed a specific poll in your post, use
[poll id="2"]
where 2 is your poll id. - To embed a random poll in your post, use
[poll id="-2"]
- To embed a specific poll's result in your post, use
[poll id="2" type="result"]
where 2 is your poll id.
- Go to
WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets
. - You can add the Polls Widget by clicking on the 'Add' link besides it.
- After adding, you can configure the Polls Widget by clicking on the 'Edit' link besides it.
- Click 'Save Changes'.
- Scroll down for instructions on how to create a Polls Archive.
- Go to
WP-Admin -> Pages -> Add New
. - Type any title you like in the post's title area.
- If you ARE using nice permalinks, after typing the title, WordPress will generate the permalink to the page. You will see an 'Edit' link just beside the permalink.
- Click 'Edit' and type in
in the text field and click 'Save'. - Type
in the post's content area. - Click 'Publish'.
- If you ARE NOT using nice permalinks, you need to go to
WP-Admin -> Polls -> Poll Options
and underPoll Archive -> Polls Archive URL
, you need to fill in the URL to the Polls Archive Page you created above.
- It is because of rounding issues. To make it always round up to 100%, the last poll's answer will get the remainding percentage added to it. To enable this feature, add this to your theme's functions.php:
add_filter( 'wp_polls_round_percentage', '__return_true' );
- WP-Polls will load
from your theme's directory if it exists. - If it doesn't exists, it will just load the default
that comes with WP-Polls. - This will allow you to upgrade WP-Polls without worrying about overwriting your polls styles that you have created.
- To solve this issue, Open poll-css.css
- Find:
/* background-color: #ffffff; */
- Replace:
background-color: #ffffff;
(where #ffffff should be your background color for the poll.)
- Courtesy Of
- Open poll-css.css
- Add to the end of the file:
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(01) .pollbar{ background:#8FA0C5}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(02) .pollbar{ background:#FF8}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(03) .pollbar{ background:#ff8a3b}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(04) .pollbar{ background:#a61e2a}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(05) .pollbar{ background:#4ebbff}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(06) .pollbar{ background:#fbca54}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(07) .pollbar{ background:#aad34f}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(08) .pollbar{ background:#66cc9a}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(09) .pollbar{ background:#98CBCB}
.wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(10) .pollbar{ background:#a67c52}
.wp-polls-ul li .pollbar{ transition: background 0.7s ease-in-out }
.wp-polls-ul li .pollbar:hover{ background:#F00 }
<?php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollquestions' ) ): ?>
<?php get_pollquestions(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollanswers' ) ): ?>
<?php get_pollanswers(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollvotes' ) ): ?>
<?php get_pollvotes(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollvoters' ) ): ?>
<?php get_pollvoters(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>