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Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor plugin{#mainpage}

Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor - Eclipse plugin

Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor an Open-Source tool, which can be used to create or edit POWERLINK device description file. The tool is available as SourceForge project.


Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor is Open Source software (OSS) and is licensed under the BSD license.


The documentation of the Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor plugin can be found in the subdirectory "doc". It is written in markdown markup format. The documentation can be generated from the markdown documentation and the in-source documentation with the tool Doxygen. Doxygen version 1.8 or higher is required.

To generate the software manual:

  > cd doc/
  > doxygen

The software manual will be created in HTML format under doc/html.


(c) Kalycito Infotech Private Limited,

(c) B&R Industrial Automation GmbH, B&R Strasse 1, A-5142 Eggelsberg,

Links and References

Compilation steps


  • JDK of version 1.8 or above.
  • Apache-maven 3.3.3 or above.

Maven installation steps:

Windows x86 and x86_64:

  • Download "apache-maven-3.3.3" or above.

  • Add "bin" directory of maven package to the target system path by updating it into system's environment variables with variable name MAVEN_HOME or by using command terminal Set PATH = "C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.3.3\bin";%PATH%

  • Add bin directory of JDK to the target system path by updating it into system's environment variables with variable name JAVA_HOME

  • OR by using command terminal Set JAVA_HOME = "C:\program files\jdk1.8.0_45\bin";%JAVA_HOME%

Linux x86 and x86_64:

  • Install maven into the target system using software centre OR

  • by using the following command in a terminal sudo apt-get install maven

  • Set the path to Ethernet POWERLINK XDD Editor plugin code as the working directory.

  • Execute the following command to build the package mvn clean compile package

  • The final built output package will be available in the com.br_automation.buoat.xddeditor.updatesite/target directory.