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sample |
This ASP.NET MVC sample shows how to receive notifications from OneDrive and OneDrive for Business when changes occur to files. The following are common tasks that a web application performs with OneDrive webhooks.
- Sign-in your users with their Microsoft account, or a work or school account to get an access token.
- Use the access token to create a webhook subscription.
- Send back a validation token to confirm the notification URL.
- Listen for notifications from OneDrive.
- Request for more information using data in the notification.
This sample subscribes to notification on the signed in user's OneDrive and displays the name of the files that were added, modified, or deleted when a notification is received.
Note: Webhooks are still being enabled as a preview only on OneDrive for Business. Webhooks functionality may not be available for your tenant yet. You can use a OneDrive Personal account to test functionality if this is the case.
To use the OneDrive Webhooks sample, you need the following:
Visual Studio 2015 with Update 1 installed on your development computer.
A public HTTPS endpoint to receive and send HTTP requests. You can use Microsoft Azure or another service to host your endpoint. If you prefer, you can use ngrok (or a similar tool) while testing to temporarily allow messages from Microsoft Graph to tunnel to a port on your local computer. Instructions for setting up ngrok are included below.
A client ID and key for two applications:
To enable OneDrive Personal support, you need to register an application at the Microsoft registration portal.
To enable OneDrive for Business support, you need to register an application through a Microsoft Azure Active Directory tenant. You can use the Office 365 app registration tool, which simplifies the process. Use the following parameters:
Parameter Value App type Web App Sign on URL http://localhost:52026/ Redirect URI http://localhost:52026/ App permissions Files.ReadWrite
Copy and store the returned Client ID and Client Secret values.
You must expose a public HTTPS endpoint to create a subscription and receive notifications from OneDrive. While testing, you can use ngrok to temporarily allow messages from OneDrive to tunnel to a localhost port on your computer. To learn more about using ngrok, see the ngrok website.
In Solution Explorer, select the OneDriveWebhooks project.
Copy the URL port number from the Properties window. If the Properties window isn't showing, choose View/Properties Window.
Download ngrok for Windows.
Unzip the package and run ngrok.exe.
Replace the two placeholder values in the following command with the port number you copied, and then run the command in the ngrok console.
ngrok http <port-number> -host-header=localhost:<port-number>
Copy the HTTPS URL that's shown in the console.
Keep the console open while testing. If you close it, the tunnel also closes and you'll need to generate a new URL and update the sample.
Create a public HTTPS notification endpoint. It can run on a service such as Microsoft Azure, or you can create a proxy web server by using ngrok or a similar tool.
Open onedrive-webhooks-aspnet.sln in the sample files.
In Solution Explorer, open the Web.config file in the root directory of the project. a. Enter the values for your registered applications client ID into ida:AppId. b. Enter the values for your registered applications client secret / password into ida:AppSecret. c. For the ida:NotificationUrl key, replace ENTER_YOUR_URL with your HTTPS URL. Keep the /notification/listen portion. If you're using ngrok, the value will look something like this:
<add key="ida:NotificationUrl" value="" />
- Make sure that the ngrok console is still running, then press F5 to build and run the solution in debug mode.
Sign in with your Office 365 work or school account.
Choose the Create subscription button. The Subscription page loads with information about the subscription.
Choose the Watch for notifications button.
Add or modify a file in your OneDrive account. The Notification page displays some message properties. It may take several seconds for the page to update.
Choose the Delete subscription and sign out button.
The following files contain code that shows how to work with OneDrive webhooks.
Receives notifications.SubscriptionContoller.cs
Creates and receives webhook subscriptions.
Represents a change notification.OneDriveSubscription.cs
Represents a webhook subscription. Also defines the SubscriptionViewModel that represents the data displayed in the Subscription view.
Displays information about received messages, and contains the Delete subscription and sign out button.Subscription/Index.cshtml
Landing page that contains the Create subscription button.- `Subscription/CreateSubscription.cshtml``` Displays subscription properties, and contains the Watch for notifications button.
Contains values used for authentication and authorization.Startup.cs
Contains code used for authentication and authorization when the app starts. The sample uses OpenID Connect to authenticate and authorize the user.
Issue | Resolution |
The app opens to a Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found. browser page. | Make sure that a CSHTML view file isn't the active tab when you run the app from Visual Studio. |
We'd love to get your feedback about OneDrive Webhooks ASP.NET sample. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.
Questions about OneDrive or Office 365 in general should be posted to Stack Overflow. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with OneDrive or Office365.
You can suggest changes for OneDrive on UserVoice.
See LICENSE for the license for this sample code.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.