A Bluetooth Wireless Mechanical Keyboard - That can be currently built!
Based on the ESP32, the Sanctuary functions as a completely wireless keyboard, that can be designed and built yourself. Rather than using obsolete BLE microcontrollers, an ESP32 was chosen, a cheap and readily available BLE microcontroller. Instructions will be available through an instructables link
These are the files needed to 3d print the case for the Sanctuary, only the STL are provided.
These are the plate, outline, and reference files for the Sanctuary Keyboard layout. Use these if you want an aluminum plate, or to use as an outline for your PCB.
This is a simple keyboard library for the SK6812 Mini-E LEDs. It fits both the switch and the SK6812 Mini-E LEDs in the same package, so it is easy to use with keyboards. The rest of the switch sizes need to be used from elsewhere. (ex. Stabilizers are not included in this library, so you must import those from elsewhere)
This is the gerber for the second revision of the Sanctuary. It contains many bugfixes of the first revision, such as pulldown resistors, or spelling mistakes. Technically it is untested, however it is closely based on the original revision, so it should work.
Can be ordered from many PCB manufacturers, such as JLC PCB, OSHPARK, or PCBWay. Personally, I used JLC PCB for the first revision.
Many photos of the Sanctuary, both in progress, and completed. In no particular order.
There are photos of the board, as well as the final build. Check it out! (To be added Soon)
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