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Skyscanner App Recruitment test

Thanks for taking the time to do our app coding test.

Please complete the challenge within 7 days.

You will find the files referenced in the instructions below in the supplied ZIP file (if it has not downloaded automatically, there is a download link is at the top of this screen).

The challenge has two parts:

  1. a task to create a basic flight search UI and necessary network component that speaks to our 'live pricing' API

  2. some follow-up questions - see the file ./

Feel free to spend as much or as little time as you'd like, as long as the following have been met:

  • Your implementation works as described in the Task section below, retrieving results from our API (details below).

  • Your solution looks like the provided in the /designs/results-phone.png file.

  • You are encouraged to add code and files to your submission. Edits to the or design files (made available as images) will be ignored.


  • Use our 'live pricing' API to find return flights from Edinburgh to London, departing next Monday and returning the following day.

  • In order to successfully call the API you can find the details in the api section below

  • Use the returned data to display a page of results that matches the design provided.


We've provided a design for phone layout (see /designs/results-phone.png). Don't worry about tackling tablet screens.

Don't worry about implementing menu functionality or sorting/filtering/alerting - these controls can be display-only.

You can see the designs both as png and as sketch, which you can use to see the more specific details. (You can download sketch from here)

For the airline logos, try the favicon size per code: e.g.

Client implementation

Feel free to choose what technology or 3rd party libraries you use during the implementation.

The iOS project that you create should be put into the app folder.

API implementation

You will need to call a real Skyscanner API for this task.

Please use the API key: *** to call the API.

The underlying Skyscanner API documentation is available here and a test harness is provided for you to try queries out.

You can use the Skyscanner sky location schema, and the EDI-sky and LOND-sky placenames in your query.

The API will return collections of different items:

  • Itineraries - These are the container for your trips, tying together Legs, and prices. Prices are offered by an agent - an airline or travel agent.

  • Legs - These are journeys (outbound, return) with duration, and carriers1. These contain one or more Segments and stops.

  • Segments - Individual flight information with directionality.

A good structure to represent trip options would be hierarchical:


Your key will be rate-limited to ~5 queries per minute.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please re-zip the top level folder: app-recruitment-test-master to create a file.

  • Where possible retain the folder structure provided. You can of course create additional folders and files but ideally you should not reorganise the supplied files.

  • The zip file should contain the file with answers to the follow-up questions.

  • Please exclude generated files from your submission. When we review your code it will be built in Xcode.



Q) What libraries did you add to the app? What are they used for?

  • Alamofire: for http networking
  • Siesta: to use the api more easily.


Q) How long did you spend on the test?

Around 5 days, devoting 2-3 hours each day.

Q) If you had more time, what further improvements or new features would you add?

I would try to make the scrolling more smooth.

Q) Which parts are you most proud of? And why?

The overall final design.

Q) Which parts did you spend the most time with? What did you find most difficult?

Fetching certain information using API

Q) How did you find the test overall? If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the test or our API, we'd love to hear them.

I think it was much more interesting than the usual iOS tests, I like the idea of building something instead of just testing my knowledge.

Inspiration for the test format taken with ❤️ from JustEat's recruitment test.


Skyscanner test for Lead iOS Programmer






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