Powered by the popular tool, GosuMemory, osu! Auto Deafen gives users an easy-to-use system for auto deafening you on Discord whenever you're about to FC a map.
- Download the latest release and unzip it.
- Set your Discord Deafen keybind to ALT+D
- Launch osu!
- After osu! has fully loaded, launch "osuautodeafen.exe" and wait for it to start.
- Once osu! Auto Deafen closes, in "config.ini" set the "username" field to your username on osu!
- Relaunch "osuautodeafen.exe"
- You're all set!
Please know that osu! Auto Deafen is still in development. Whenever we make major changes, you may need to manually update your config.ini
- gorilla-websocket
- gosumemory