You will find here the materials for workshops, hackathons and lectures at the #NGSchool2019, together with installation directions and tips for running the software necessary for participation in the NGSchool2019.
Google Colab is an online service in which you can run jupyter notebooks (and even use some limited GPU!) It comes with some preloaded libraries which makes it easier to teach and run tutorials without having to spend too much time on fixing dependencies etc.
Here you will find a short guide on how to work on the Prometheus supercomputer.
Guilliame Fillion - "An experiment on anti-academic research"
tutor: Klemens Noga
The website with info about the workshop can be accessed here
tutor: Maja Kuzman
tutor: Kasia Kędzierska
The whole workshop will be executed in the Jupyter notebook, and will rely on several Python packages. In the directory you can find a
script you can run to see if your enviorenment satisfies all requirements.
Install and check if requirements are satisfied.
bash intro_to_python/
- python3 modules:
tutor: German Demidov
tutor: Kasia Kędzierska
Slides: unsupervised_learning/unsupervised_learning_slides.pdf
The workshop will be run in R notebook. We would work locally and the following packages are required.
required_packages <- c("tidyverse", "factoextra", "ggpubr",
"ggsci", "MASS", "tsne", "umap")
for (pkg in required_packages) {
if(!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
print(paste0("Warning! Installing package: ", pkg, "."))
print("All done! :)")
tutor: Roman Cheplyaka
Either in RStudio or in the interactive R session run following commands:
required_packages <- c("rstan", "StanHeaders", "magrittr", "reshape2",
"forcats", "stringr", "dplyr", "purrr", "readr",
"tidyr", "tibble")
for (pkg in required_packages) {
if(!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
print(paste0("Warning! Installing package: ", pkg, "."))
print("All done! :)")
tutor: Noura Al Moubayed
- Install miniconda
Start by installing miniconda.
- Create conda environment
To simplify, we can crete the enviromnet from the yml file: nlp/workshop.yml
conda env create -f nlp/workshop.yml
- FROM LOCAL COPY Install missing package:
a. Copy the file from USB
Due to a large file size (>1GB), we are copying the en_core_web_lg
from USB sticks distributed on site. When you copy the file from a USB, please change the following command to point to the location of the file.
b. Copy from server
If you didn't copy the file from USB stick, copy it from local server.
scp <your-user>@ ~/
Now, install it.
# python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
conda activate workshop
pip install /path/to/folder/with/en_core_web_lg-2.2.0.tar.gz
- Clone the repository
Make sure your github repository is up to date and unpack one of files from the nlp directory! The files is gziped to reduce its size.
git pull origin master
gunzip nlp/tutorial_features.pkl.gz
cd nlp
conda activate workshop
jupyter notebook
tutor: Robert Loftin
In order to run tutorial locally:
conda create --name reinforced python=3.7
conda activate reinforced
pip install numpy==1.17.3
pip install gym==0.15.3
pip install matplotlib==3.0.3
#pip install torch==1.3.0
conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
pip install chainer
pip install minerl
pip install opencv-python-headless
pip install roboschool
conda install jupyter
conda install -c anaconda openjdk
tutor: Ron Schwessinger
The seminar hands-on workshop will be run in a google colab notebook. A google account is required though. Additional information can be found in this repo but no need to install anything for the workshop.
tutor: Kaspar Märtens
Link to slides
In the hands-on part of the tutorial, we will implement an Autoencoder on MNIST data. See google colab notebook for Autoencoders on MNIST.
For those interested, there is also an additional colab notebook for Variational Autoencoders.
tutor: Rosa Karlic
You will work locally in RStudio, execute following code to install packages:
required_packages <- c("caret", "rpart", "e1071",
"ranger", "dplyr", "randomForest", "rpart.plot",
"ipred", "bst", "plyr")
for (pkg in required_packages) {
if(!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
print(paste0("Warning! Installing package: ", pkg, "."))
print("All done! :)")
tutor: Tim Padvitski
You will work locally in RStudio, execute following code to install packages:
required_packages <- c("c060", "glmnet", "igraph)
for (pkg in required_packages) {
if(!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
print(paste0("Warning! Installing package: ", pkg, "."))
print("All done! :)")
andTensorflow v1.14
as backendnumpy
- google account for colab notebook work
German Demidov, Maja Kuzman
- Explain the data set
- Explore the data
- Explore the response data set
- Explore the predictors data set
- Predict mutational patterns using random forest regression
- Find important features
- Predict mutational patterns using different methods
5 . Use mutational profiles to predict cancer type - Try to beat Rosa!
- Complete the presentations
- Good luck!