React mobile responsive web application that shows the live status of Covid19 cases, deaths and recovered in the world and by each country
- React.js (React Hooks)
- CSS3
- Bootstrap4
- React-Bootstrap
- Google Maps API
- Fetch API
Shows the current number of covid19 cases, recovered and deaths at the header section
Showd the current number of covid19 cases, recovered and deaths by each country on google map
Note: Data is being updated every 10 minutes
Try the application live at
Muzyar Rad aka. Mazy
Install client dependencies
npm install
ornpm i
Set the Google Maps key in
= {{Your google map API key}}Note: You will need to provide your own google map API key from google cloud platform as mine is stored inside an environment variable
Note2: Please refer to environment variables section in React Documentation on how to set the environment variable as there are different instructions on different operating systems
Run the project
- npm start