New Features
- Support deploying SR-IOV network operator #58
- Update go code to operator-sdk 1.3.0 #86
- Add status printer column for Custom Resources #96
Bug Fixes
- Change multus image to v3.6 #101
- Update helm chart kubeVersion to '>= 1.17.0' #110
- Use the NFD instance to v0.6.0-233-g3e00bfb #108
- Update gogo/protobuf to v1.3.2 - CVE-2021-3121 #97
Known Limitations
- deploying network operator before gpu operator may cause nv peer mem container to crash
- when deploying mofed pod interface names may change
- mlx_compat module isn't unloaded after kubernetes nicclusterpolicy teardown
- nv-peer-mem container is deployed at master if a GPU is present on it
- mofed container may reset VF node guid which breaks RoCE