This package shows how to use the Mellanox DC QP to implement RDMA Read and Write operatinos directly to a remote GPU memory. It assumes the client appliation will run on a GPU enabled machine, like the NVIDIA DGX2. The server application, acting as a file storage simulation, will be running on few other Linux machines. All machine should have Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC (or newer) in order for the DC QP to work properlly.
In the test codem the client application allocates memory on the defined GPU (flag '-u ) or on system RAM (default). Then sends a TCP request to the server application for a RDMA Write to the client's allocated buffer. Once the server application completes the RDMA Write operation it sends back a TCP 'done' message to the client. The client can loop for multiple such requests (flag '-n'). The RDMA message size can be configured (flag '-s' bytes)
For optimzed data transfer, the client requiers the GPU device selection based on PCI "B:D.F" format. It is recommened to chose a GPU which shares the same PCI bridge as the Mellanox ConectX NIC.
gpu_direct_rdma_access.h, gpu_direct_rdma_access.c - Handles RDMA Read and Write ops from Server to GPU memory by request from the Client. The API-s use DC type QPs connection for RDMA operations. The request to the server comes by socket.
gpu_mem_util.h, gpu_mem_util.c - GPU/CPU memory allocation
server.c, client.c - client and server main programs implementing GPU's Read/Write., - help scripts
Makefile - makefile to build cliend and server execute files
Download MLNX_OFED-4.6- (or newer) from Mellanox web site: Install with upstream libs
$ sudo ./mlnxofedinstall --force-fw-update --upstream-libs --dpdk
2. CUDA libs
Download CUDA Toolkit 10.1 (or newer) from Nvidia web site
$ wget
install on DGX server (GPU enabled servers)
$ sudo sh
3. GPU Direct
follow the download, build and inall guide on
4. Multi-Homes network
Configured system arp handling for multi-homed network with RoCE traffic (on DGX2 server)
$ git clone
$ ./write_to_gpu/
5. Check RDMA connectivity between all cluster nodes
$ git clone [email protected]:Mellanox/gpu_direct_rdma_access.git
$ cd gpu_direct_rdma_access
On the client machines
$ make USE_CUDA=1
On the server machines
$ make
$ ./server -a -n 10000 -D 1 -s 10000000 -p 18001 &
We want to find the GPU's which share the same PCI bridge as the ConnectX Mellanox NIC
$ ./ (mlx5_12) is near 0000:b7:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_12) is near 0000:b9:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_14) is near 0000:bc:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_14) is near 0000:be:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_16) is near 0000:e0:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_16) is near 0000:e2:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1)
Run client application with matching IP address and BDF from the script output (-a and -u parameters)
$ ./client -t 0 -a -u b7:00.0 -n 10000 -D 0 -s 10000000 -p 18001 &