run main_constant.m for constant sensor readings run main_sporadic.m for sporadic sensor readings
This program dynamically calculates the minimum number of particles to use based off of their fitness.
As I was playing around with resampling, I experimented with 2 types if resampling.
Given a set of fit particles, sample from the set using a uniform random probability to generate a new particle
Given a set of fit particles, sample from the set using a weighted random probability to generate a new particle
I realize that the particle filter algorithm prefers weighted sampling, but after playing around with both uniform and weighted, I prefer uniform because you have a more diverse set of particles preventing the robot from getting lost.
During this process I thought of a cool idea, because the sensor is so accurate, and the motion model might not be the best the partices might eventually diverge. Hence, in the case of resampling a certain percentage of them, relative to the total particles are exploratory particles.
Essentially, yes, we keep most of the important particles, but to prevent diverging, we throw some particles all over the state space uniformly to see if they survive through the next generation. If they do and the robots motion model diverges, then we can jump to those exploratory particles to relocalize.
In case the robot gets completely lost, I keep track of the previous weighted mean of the robot and I check particles all over the position scaled up by the time since the last sensor reading. Both in terms of number of particles and in terms of distance outwards from the robot.
How the program works
The minimum number of particles we can start with is 64, just due to the way i programmed my initialization function.
As time goes on, the number of particles keeps doubling until a fit particle is found (i.e. the weight is > 0) and we keep track of this number of particles.
The next generation of particles are created based off of these new fit particles. For every particle in the next iteration, we apply the dynamics model and the ones that survive move forward.
Since my program is dynamic, the number of fit particles is the new M and therefore the optimal M for any given situation. If the robot gets lost, then M becomes the initial M based off the initial state scaled by time since the last sensor reading.
For example, if we had to generate 1000 particles in the beginning to find a fit particle, and the last sensor reading was 3 seconds ago.
Then we generate 3 * 1000 = 3000 particles around the current weighted mean scaled by a square area of 3 * 2 m^2. So if it has been a long time since the sensor reading has come in, then it would use more particles further out to find itself.
I did not account for the case where it is possible that a sensor reading will never come again.