Simple Rust binary that reads lines from stdin
, and prepends icons as defined
in the excellent
Handles color codes as well, using the icon colors from the aforementioned library. Intended to take in output from fd or rg, to then be used as input for fzf-lua in Neovim.
I found that, in large Git projects, fzf-lua
's default files
provider would
have a delay of several seconds before files would show up, however running fd
or fzf
directly would feel much snappier. I concluded (correctly) that this is
because of the extra processing fzf-lua
is doing to, amongst other things,
prepend the file icon. By using a custom fzf-lua
action that invokes fd
pipes the results through this binary, you still get the file icons, but with
the snapiness of running fd
directly. Same benefits for rg
as well.
You could use this project in Neovim using fzf-lua
as follows:
local fzf = require'fzf-lua'
local function fzf_files()
fzf.fzf_exec('fd --type f --strip-cwd-prefix | /path/to/file-web-devicon', {
actions = fzf.defaults.actions.files,
fzf_opts = { ['--nth'] = 2, ['--delimiter'] = fzf.utils.nbsp },
previewer = 'builtin',
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-p>', fzf_files)
local function fzf_live_grep()
'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case -- <query> | /path/to/file-web-devicon', {
actions = fzf.defaults.actions.files,
prompt = 'Rg> ',
fzf_opts = { ['--nth'] = 2, ['--delimiter'] = fzf.utils.nbsp },
previewer = 'builtin',
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-s>', fzf_live_grep)
Note: This project has been tested only on MacOS. I don't know whether it will work on Windows, Linux, or e.g. with non-UTF8 path inputs.