The subroutine used to solve the PMPRK scheme
In the directory of DataSamplingFullyDissipativeSystem, a fully dissipative/conservative system is solved. In the directory of DataSamplingSemidissipativeSystem, all the equations except the last is dissipative/conservative. The last equation representing the internal energy may not be dissipative, i.e., maybe increases due to the exothermal reactions.
Configurations at the top of "main.cpp" file:
int nSpecies = 100; #Number of species (plus an extra internale energy equation)
int nReactions = 100; #Number of reactions in the system
double deltatime = 1; #Default value, do not alter
double patankarCriticalValue = 1e-13; #The critical value used to stop the Newton iteration
int NTestedPerSample = 10; #How many random initial values generated for the Newton iteration used to test the uniqueness of #the solution
bool conservative = true; #if true, the equations for the nSpecies+1 equations (DataSamplingFullyDissipativeSystem) # or the nSpecies equations (DataSamplingSemiDissipativeSystem) is conservative.
int maximumReactants = 10; #Maximum number of reactants considerred.
real AmplititudeOfInternalEnergyEquation = 100; #The coefficients for the nSpecies density equations are drawn out from [0-1]. #The coefficients for the internale energy equation are drawn out from #[0,AmplititudeOfInternalEnergyEquation]
int NTested = 10000; #Number of tested samples.