This code provides Finite Element solvers for electrochemical transport. Both continuous Galerkin (CG) and discontinuous Galerkin (DG) schemes are provided. The DG scheme for electroneutral Nernst-Planck is described in Roy et al., 2023. The CG scheme uses SUPG for the advection-migration term.
The following transport mechanisms are available: diffusion, advection, electromigration. EchemFEM supports both non-porous and porous cases. The ionic potential can either be described using an electroneutrality constraint or a Poisson equation. In the porous case, the electronic potential can be described by a Poisson equation. Some finite size effects are also implemented. For example, the generalized modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck model (GMPNP) is used in the examples of FireCat, coupling in with a microkinetics model.
User guide and API documentation can be found here documentation.
Please install the open-source finite element library Firedrake.
To install EchemFEM, simply run the following in the parent echemfem folder:
pip install -e .
The documentation has more details about installation and running the code.