This repository is my personal study notes and examples of VHDL language and FPGA hardware design. Various language features are explored with simple examples and some components are implemented as well. All language examples and components can be found under their related folders and subfolders. I hope someone else might find this information also useful.
All code is written using Vim and some plugins. The plugins used are hdlcc and
vim-hdl. These plugins together provide
syntax checking and automatic compiling for simulation with ModelSim.
Configuration file is named vimhdl.prj
and Vim needs to be started in the
folder with this file.
All automatically compiled code is placed in the .build
subfolder. In this
subfolder ModelSim can be started and it should read all compiled code and
libraries without errors. ModelSim can be given with the design to simulate. For
cd .build/
vsim work.test
Then run example in ModelSim console with run
and example should print the
results and stop automatically.
Components are tested with VUnit Python based
testing library. Repository root includes Pipfile
which can be used with
pipenv to create Python virtual environments
VUnit installed and not populating your system's installation. Virtual environment
installed and activated all tests can be run with python
at project
- Different ways to instantiate a component.
- Qualified expression.
- Configure examples.
- Use of generics.
- Block statements and signal kinds
and how they behave. - Shared variable and how to use.
- Different wait statements with process.
- Three main different ways to implement state machines.
- Use VHDL 2008 env package (std.env.finish for instance).
- Reduction operator e.g.
xxx <= and yyy
. - Example to show that 'work' is not a library but a reference to same library where this element is defined (example: VUnit/vunit#497).