The aim of climate4impact is to enhance the use of research data and to support other climate portals. It has been developed within the European projects IS-ENES, IS-ENES2 and CLIPC. Climate4impact is connected to the Earth System Grid Federation, using certificate based authentication, ESGF search, openid, opendap and thredds catalogs. Climate4impact offers web interfaces for searching, visualizing, analyzing, processing and downloading datasets. Climate4impact exposes open standards like WMS, WCS and WPS using open source tools.
See for details
The docker can be used to setup the climate4impact portal on your own workstation. It uses a default user to obtain a credential from a myproxyserver. Using the provided configuration inside the ./docker/c4i_config folder you can only log in as the default user.
- Due to configuration limitations the portal can only be run on port 444 (2019-02-01). You need to change ./docker/c4i_config/server.xml and the docker run command if you want a different port.
- The adaguc-server in this docker uses a sqlite database. Due to concurrent access to the sqlite database, sometimes a visualization of a datasets fails at the first time. Just press reload to see the visualization. This is a known bug with sqlite, with postgresql it works fine.
- You can only login as the user which is configured in ./docker/c4i_config/config.xml
git clone
cd climate4impact-portal
docker build -t c4i .
rm docker/c4i_config/c4i_keystore.jks
keytool -genkey -noprompt -keypass password -alias tomcat \
-keyalg RSA -storepass password -keystore ./docker/c4i_config/c4i_keystore.jks -deststoretype pkcs12 \
-dname CN=${HOSTNAME}:444
openssl genrsa -out docker/c4i_config/impactportal_CA.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -new -nodes -key docker/c4i_config/impactportal_CA.key -sha256 -out docker/c4i_config/impactportal_CA.pem -subj '/O=IS_ENES/OU=KNMI/CN=IMPACTPORTAL_CA'
The certificate of the CA (impactportal_CA.pem) is added to the trustroots and truststore in the following steps.
cd docker/c4i_config && bash && cd ../../
On your host, edit /etc/hosts and add a line: <yourhostname>
You can find your hostname simply with
This folder is mounted using the docker run command.
mkdir ~/impactspace
docker run -v ~/impactspace:/impactspace -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v `pwd`/docker/c4i_config:/config/ -p 444:444 -e EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME:${HOSTNAME} -e EXTERNAL_ADDRESS_HTTPS="https://${HOSTNAME}:444/" -it c4i
- Visit
- Add an exception for your self signed certificate
- Click "Show other providers"
- Select "Sign in with BADC/CEDA OpenID"
- Use account cc4idev/cc4idev123!
- Your openid is (this is preconfigured for the development env ./docker/c4i_config/config.xml)
- Visit