Graphs v1.7.2
Closed issues:
- [Port] [BUG]
fails onSimpleWeightedDiGraph
(#59) - Error in A* implementation (#120)
- [BUG] Unable to load global callgraph into memory (#138)
- [HELP] how to get edges of a vertex? (#151)
Merged pull requests:
- make clipboard(g) work (#121) (@anandijain)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Compat to 4, (keep existing compat) (#136) (@github-actions[bot])
- Clean README, notebook and docs (#141) (@pitmonticone)
- Update CITATION.bib (#158) (@matbesancon)
- fix nightly (#159) (@matbesancon)
- Import Graphs in rich_club docstring. (#161) (@CarlColglazier)
- Bump Inflate dependency to include a bugfix for Julia 1.8. (#166) (@GunnarFarneback)