Reverse automated differentiation from an expression or a function
Julia 0.3 | Julia 0.4 | Julia 0.5 | master (on nightly + release) | Coverage |
This package provides a function rdiff()
that generates valid Julia code for the calculation of derivatives up to any order for a user supplied expression or generic function. Install with Pkg.add("ReverseDiffSource")
. Package documentation and examples can be found here.
This version of automated differentiation operates at the source level (provided either in an expression or a generic function) to output Julia code calculating the derivatives (in a expression or a function respectively). Compared to other automated differentiation methods it does not rely on method overloading or new types and should, in principle, produce fast code.
Usage examples:
- derivative of x³
julia> rdiff( :(x^3) , x=Float64) # 'x=Float64' indicates the type of x to rdiff
(x^3,3 * x^2.0) # expression calculates a tuple of (value, derivate)
- first 10 derivatives of
(notice the simplifications)
julia> rdiff( :(sin(x)) , order=10, x=Float64) # derivatives up to order 10
_tmp1 = sin(x)
_tmp2 = cos(x)
_tmp3 = -_tmp1
_tmp4 = -_tmp2
_tmp5 = -_tmp3
- works on functions too
julia> rosenbrock(x) = (1 - x[1])^2 + 100(x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 # function to be derived
julia> rosen2 = rdiff(rosenbrock, (Vector{Float64},), order=2) # orders up to 2
(anonymous function)
- gradient calculation of a 3 hidden layer neural network for backpropagation
# w1-w3 are the hidden layer weight matrices, x1 the input vector
function ann(w1, w2, w3, x1)
x2 = w1 * x1
x2 = log(1. + exp(x2)) # soft RELU unit
x3 = w2 * x2
x3 = log(1. + exp(x3)) # soft RELU unit
x4 = w3 * x3
1. / (1. + exp(-x4[1])) # sigmoid output
w1, w2, w3 = randn(10,10), randn(10,10), randn(1,10)
x1 = randn(10)
dann = m.rdiff(ann, (Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}))
dann(w1, w2, w3, x1) # network output + gradient on w1, w2, w3 and x1