- DFAGB, a multiboot rom runs on GBA, do the actual dump/flash work. needs devkitARM to compile.
- PC client, send multiboot rom and/or talk with DFAGB. Windows only, should be easy to port though. needs Visual Studio to compile.
- uCSIO, a micro controller firmware runs on Teensy(2.0/++2.0) and/or Arduino(Leonardo/Micro), it uses GPIO to bit bang the GBA SIO port and talk to the PC client as a USB serial port. needs AVR8 Toolchain to compile.
- send multiboot rom to GBA.
- Dump GBA cartridge.
- Program GBA flash cart. currently supports only flash carts using a single Intel 28F128J3F(or similar chips in the J3 family).
- SRAM save read/write.
- EEPROM save read/write.
and obviously GND
GBA is 3.3V so I use a Voltage Level Translator on SC and SI, no need to do this on SO since ATmega treats 3.3V as high even running on 5V.
- FLASH save read/write.
- Support more insteresting GBA flash carts, if I found any.
- the particular flash cart using Intel 28F128J3F is the original motivation of this project, which is a charm since it uses FRAM for save, but relies on a flasher which was discontinued years ago.
- EEPROM save handling is another motivation of this project, I bid a Zelda ALTTP cart from eBay which turned out to be counterfeit, but before I know that I've already played on it and had a perfect save which I wanted to transfer to a genuine cart.
- devkitARM
- Daniel Tang for the USB-GBA multiboot project which I copied a lot.
- Chishm for the SendSave as an example on how to read / write EEPROM.
GPL v3