Dead simple TypeScript bundler, watcher, dev server, transpiler, and polyfiller
The goal of this project is to create a TypeScript bundler that as closely matches the official TypeScript compiler as possible, utilizing as much config from your tsconfig.json
as possible, with only minimal additional config required.
This library is basically just a wrapper around webpack with a sensible set of default plugins and configuration for TypeScript projects.
If you later want more customization you should use webpack itself (or another bundler of your choice).
Out of the box tsb offers you:
- A production
command - A development
command - A development
command - Transpiling (with ts-loader)
- Browser support/polyfilling (with babel)
- Type checking in a separate thread (with fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin)
- Code minification/mangling, offering smaller builds
- Dead code elimination
- Expose environment variables and define defaults (with webpack environment plugin)
- Load environment variables from a
file (with dotenv) - Reference environment variables in your
template - Hot-loading
- React hot-loading (with a little extra setup)
- Bundle hashing
- Code splitting
- SPA-style
serving and history API fallback
- You must set
"sourceMap": true
in yourtsconfig.json
to output source maps - You must choose an ES module for the
option e.g."ESNext"
(why?) - You should include
in yourtsconfig.json
option to ensure this is type checked (but we'll do that for you during a build anyway) - You must install compatible React dependencies to enable React hot-loading
npm i @jakesidsmith/tsb -P
is short for --save-prod
and will add this to your package.json
as a production dependency.
# Bundle TypeScript files (production)
tsb build
# Watch TypeScript files and bundle them when changed (development)
tsb watch
# Run a dev server and update on change (development)
tsb serve
IMPORTANT: read the important things to consider before continuing.
Your (minimal) config is defined in a tsb.config.ts
For a project with the structure:
# Javascript is output here
import { Config } from '@jakesidsmith/tsb';
const config: Config = {
main: 'src/index.tsx',
outDir: 'build',
export default config;
For a more complex project with the following structure:
# index.html is output here
# /js/
# JavaScript is output here
import { Config } from '@jakesidsmith/tsb';
const config: Config = {
main: 'src/ts/index.tsx',
outDir: 'build',
mainOutSubDir: 'js',
indexHTMLPath: 'src/index.html',
tsconfigPath: 'src/tsconfig.json',
publicDir: 'public',
publicPath: '/public/',
export default config;
And then run this with:
tsb <command> --config src/tsb.config.ts
You must manually specify environment variables that you'd like to include in your bundle. This is a safety precaution to avoid including sensitive information.
These are defined as an object where the keys are the variable names, and the values are default values e.g.
const config: Config = {
// ...
env: {
If any variables are resolved to undefined
during a build (both defined as undefined
in your config and not exposed by your environment) then the build will error.
By default tsb will look for a tsb.config.ts
in the root directory of your project.
You can specify where to look for your config file with the --config
CLI option e.g.
tsb build --config custom/location/tsb.config.ts
By default tsb will look for a tsconfig.json
in the root of your project, but you can override this with the tsconfigPath
option in your tsb.config.ts
interface Config {
// Required
// Path to your TypeScript/JavaScript entry point
main: string;
// Path to the directory to output files
outDir: string;
// Base options
// List of commands for which the outDir should be cleared before
clearOutDirBefore?: readonly ('build' | 'watch' | 'serve')[]; // Default: []
// Sub-directory to output JavaScript files within `outDir`
mainOutSubDir?: string;
// Name for the main bundle output
mainBundleName?: string; // Default: 'bundle'
// Path to tsconfig.json
tsconfigPath?: string; // Default: tsconfig.json in the root of the project
// Path to a custom index.html template
indexHTMLPath?: string;
// Variables to expose to the index.html template (referenced with <%= example %>)
indexHTMLEnv?: Record<string, any>;
// List of commands for which to output index.html to disk
outputIndexHTMLFor?: readonly ('build' | 'watch' | 'serve')[]; // Default: ['build', 'watch']
// Whether to add script tag to body, head, or not at all
insertScriptTag?: 'body' | 'head' | false; // Default: 'body'
// Whether add "defer" attribute to script tag.
scriptLoading?: 'blocking' | 'defer' | 'module'; // default 'blocking'
// Whether React hot-loading is enabled
reactHotLoading?: boolean; // Default: false
// List of commands for which output bundles are hashed
hashFilesFor?: readonly ('build' | 'watch' | 'serve')[]; // Default: ['build', 'watch']
// List of paths/globs to files outside of your tsconfig.json includes that should be parsed
additionalFilesToParse?: readonly string[];
// Map of environment variables to include (key: variable name, value: default value (set undefined if don't want a default))
env?: Record<string, any>;
// Dev server options
// Whether hot-loading is enabled
hotLoading?: boolean; // Default: true
// Host of the dev server (e.g. '' or 'localhost')
host?: string; // Default: ''
// Port to run the dev server on
port?: number; // Default: 8080
// Path to the directory in which additional public/static files should be served from
publicDir?: string;
// Public path to refer to files stored in the `publicDir`
publicPath?: string;
// Whether to enable SPA-style index.html serving and history API fallback
singlePageApp?: boolean; // Default: true
// Custom headers to send with dev server requests
headers?: Record<string, string>;
// Whether to enable https (self signed certificate)
https?: boolean;
// Extend the babel presets
extendBabelPresets?: (
presets: BabelPluginItem[],
mode: Mode,
command: Command
) => BabelPluginItem[];
// Extend the babel plugins
extendBabelPlugins?: (
plugins: BabelPluginItem[],
mode: Mode,
command: Command
) => BabelPluginItem[];
// Extend the webpack plugins
extendWebpackPlugins?: (
plugins: WebpackPlugin[],
mode: Mode,
command: Command
) => WebpackPlugin[];
// Extend the webpack module.rules
extendWebpackModuleRules?: (
rules: WebpackModuleRule[],
mode: Mode,
command: Command
) => WebpackModuleRule[];
In order to split your bundle, you should use dynamic imports at the locations where you'd like the modules to be split.
You can name the output bundles by supplying a comment e.g.
import(/* webpackChunkName: "my-file" */ './path/to/file');
You can also set chunks to be pre-loaded.
More info here:
React hot-loading is disabled by default. To enable this set the reactHotLoading
option to true
In order for hot-loading to work correctly you must install react-hot-loader
, and matching versions of the relevant react libraries - react
, react-dom
, and @hot-loader/react-dom
npm i react@17 react-dom@17 -P
# These are only needed in development so we'll use -D to add them as dev dependencies
npm i @hot-loader/react-dom@17 react-hot-loader -D
You will also need to mark your root component as hot-exported:
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader/root';
const App = () => <div>Hello World!</div>;
export default hot(App);
More info here:
React hot-loading is currently implemented with react-hot-loader and only supports React <= 16. If you want to support React 17 you can use the experimental @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin with the extendBabelPlugins
and extendWebpackPlugins
options. You should not enable reactHotLoading
if you are using react-refresh
Example with react-refresh
import ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin from '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin';
const config: Config = {
// ...base config...
reactHotLoading: false,
extendBabelPlugins: (plugins, mode, command) => {
if (command === 'serve') {
return [...plugins, require.resolve('react-refresh/babel')];
return plugins;
extendWebpackPlugins: (plugins, mode, command) => {
if (command === 'serve') {
return [...plugins, new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin()];
return plugins;
By default the dev server will create an index.html
file for you and serve this.
If you have a custom index.html
file, or need this to be processed by another templating engine you can specify a location for this in the indexHTMLPath
config option.
You must choose an ES module for the tsconfig.json
option e.g. "ESNext"
This is to improve build performance and better handle dead code elimination.
Don't worry, we'll still output browser friendly bundles that use CommonJS.