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NanoMC is a software that simulates Lennard-Jones fluids inside nanotubes.
Monte Carlo:
- Canonical Ensemble (NVT)
- Grand Canonical Ensemble (uVT)
To compile the code simply type the following line at the main NanoMC directory
To clean up the code use
make clean
make veryclean
- nanomc_nvt.f90: main program for NVT MC simulation
- nanomc_uvt.f90: main program for uVT MC simulation
- monte_carlo_module.f90: subroutines that perform core parts of uVT and NVT MC simulations
- simulation_module.f90: simulation object module
- pbc_module.f90: periodic boundary conditions module
- displacement.f90: MC displacements module
- time_module.f90: time-dependent MC module
- cell.f90: simulation cell object module
- io_module.f90: subroutines that perform input/output operations
- energy_module.f90: subroutines and functions to calculate energies
- std_output_module.f90: subroutines to print standard output
- constants_module.f90: definition of general-purpose constants
To be included soon.