Simulates hypocenter depth of missing earthquakes.
Loads users' parameters directly from an input file.
Automatically filters events in the catalog falling within a meaningful region surrounding the large shock (filtered data saved in 'Filtered_Catalog.txt'). This is essential for a proper estimation of Mc fluctuation over time and, consequently, for a proper detection of STAI gaps. Differently from the older version, where users needed to provide a catalog pertaining to the earthquake's region, RESTORE 2.1.0 autonomously extracts the area of interest from an indefinitely large catalog, using a multiple of the fault rupture length. The user can customize the multiplier, which should be calibrated on the event magnitude. Opting for smaller areas will enhance the resolution of STAI gaps detection, as it minimizes the dilution of local seismicity.
Gives full control to the user on the Gaussian kernel parameters, i.e. Sigma (smoothing distance) and sbin (grid resolution).
Added several useful prints.
- Bug fixes and better plots;
- Python routine Mc-Lilliefors (*) is implemented for the estimation of the magnitude of completeness by the Lilliefors test;
- More accurate estimation of the number and magnitude of missing events.
- Marcus Herrmann, & Warner Marzocchi. (2020, November 22). Mc-Lilliefors: a completeness magnitude that complies with the exponential-like Gutenberg–Richter relation (Version 0.1). Zenodo.
What's new in this release:
- Improved plots
- New functionalities (e.g. magnitude distribution plot)
- More accurate estimation of the reference value for Mc and of its uncertainty
- Improved analysis of the Mc variation with time
- Synthetic test script
First release
v1.0.0 Update