A C++ Template Project with Versioning Feature
A C++ Template Project with Versioning Feature
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- Linux-based Operating System (for example, Ubuntu)
- Git
- Open a terminal
- Clone the Cpp Versionable Template
git clone https://github.com/IEEEIHUSerres/CppVersionableTemplate.git
- Open the Cpp Versionable Template project
cd CppVersionableTemplate
- Make a new build (dev build)
make new-build
- Make a new release (production build)
make new-release
Our Makefile contains 8 targets
- all (default), Makes a new build (dev build)
- new-build, Makes a new build (dev build)
- new-release, Makes a new release (production build)
- build, Makes a build without version changes (if it's already compiled, this does nothing)
- rebuild, Makes a build without version changes (if it's already compiled, this will remove the previous build)
- clean, Removes the previous build
- increment-build, Increments the build by one (example, 1->2, 5->6, etc)
- increment-version, Increments the version by one (example, 1->2, 5->6, etc)
Distributed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. See LICENSE
for more information.