The repository is used to reproduce the evaluation from
End-To-End Timing Analysis in ROS2
for RTSS 2022.
To replicate the experiment in the paper, please use the VM and run the experiments.
This document is organized as follows:
- Please download the zip file, which contains the virtual disk and the machine description. The credential is: ros2end2end/rtss2022
- The source code is deployed on the desktop already. Some common software are installed accordingly, e.g., vscode, git.
- Please follow the above description to test out the provided analyses.
- Please note that the scripts are for reproducing the results on the paper.
If you want to install everything manually, please refer the section Environment Setup.
The experiments are split into three parts:
- ROS2 system execution (/ros2_system)
- ROS2 system simulation (/simulation_and_analysis)
- Upper bound analysis (/simulation_and_analysis)
The ROS2 system execution reproduces the observed results for the case-study and evaluation and can needs to be run in the ros2_system folder. The ROS2 system simulation reproduces the lower bound results for the case-study and evaluation and can needs to be run in the simulation_and_analysis folder. The Upper bound analysis reproduces the upper bound results for the case-study and evaluation and can needs to be run in the simulation_and_analysis folder.
The results of the experiments will be displayed in the terminal that executes the scripts.
We explain how to run each experiment by itself to reproduce the results of the evaluation. Note that we first give full instructions on how to reproduce the results, after which we provide more in-depth explanations on how to configure the experiments.
We refer to the Case-Study in Section VIII and the Evaluation in Section IX in the paper.
This section includes how to reproduce the results of the observed values:
Start a terminal and move into the ros2_system folder:
cd ~/ros2-end-to-end/ros2_system
Execute the make_script:
Source the packages:
source install/setup.bash
To replicate the results from the case-study, you need to run eight different systems for 10 seconds.
There are eight different configurations, using under-utilized (under) or over-utilized systems (over) and four different component combinations XY, where X represents either a subscription fusion (S) or timer fusion (T), and Y represents either a susbcription actuator (S) or timer actuator (T).
While the system is running, the terminal displays the maximum reaction time and maximum data age for two different cause-effect-chains. You can identify the chain using the index of the first sensor of the chain. Please note that you need to compare your results to the evaluation after every command has finished, as the next command may overwrite the outputs in the terminal. In addition, the observed values may fluctuate depending on your system configuration.
After following the previous instructions to build and source the packages, run the following commands:
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study over SS
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study over ST
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study over TS
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study over TT
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study under SS
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study under ST
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study under TS
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study under TT
In addition, you can set the execution duration in seconds using an additional argument:
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system case_study over SS 30
To replicate the results from the case-study, you need to run the navigation system and set the number of cameras. We evaluated a system with one to ten cameras. Please note that we only analyze the first chain in the evaluation, which starts with CAMERA0.
Please use the following commands to run our experiments:
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 1
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 2
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 3
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 4
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 5
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 6
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 7
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 8
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 9
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 10
You can set the execution duration in seconds using an additional argument:
ros2 run rt_nodes run_system navigation_system 1 30
This section includes how to reproduce the results of the lower bound and upper bound:
Start a terminal and move into the simulation_and_analysis folder:
cd ~/ros2-end-to-end/simulation_and_analysis
To replicate the results from the case-study, you need to run eight different systems. The scripts only need a few seconds to complete in our cases.
There are eight different configurations, using under-utilized (under) or over-utilized systems (over) and four different component combinations XY, where X represents either a subscription fusion (S) or timer fusion (T), and Y represents either a susbcription actuator (S) or timer actuator (T).
After the script has finished, it displays the maximum reaction time and maximum of all chains, which are stored in the last callback of the chain.
Please note that you need to compare your results to the evaluation after every command has finished, as the next command may overwrite the outputs in the terminal.
After following the previous instructions, run the following commands:
python3 both case_study over SS
python3 both case_study over ST
python3 both case_study over TS
python3 both case_study over TT
python3 both case_study under SS
python3 both case_study under ST
python3 both case_study under TS
python3 both case_study under TT
If you want to only run the simulation or upper bound analysis, replace the argument both with either simulation or analysis, respectively. For example, run these commands separately:
python3 simulation case_study over SS
python3 analysis case_study over SS
To replicate the results from the case-study, you need to run the navigation system and set the number of cameras. We evaluated a system with one to ten cameras. Please note that we only analyze the first chain in the evaluation, which starts with CAMERA0. Please use the following commands to run our experiments:
python3 both navigation_system 1
python3 both navigation_system 2
python3 both navigation_system 3
python3 both navigation_system 4
python3 both navigation_system 5
python3 both navigation_system 6
python3 both navigation_system 7
python3 both navigation_system 8
python3 both navigation_system 9
python3 both navigation_system 10
If you want to only run the simulation or upper bound analysis, replace the argument both with either simulation or analysis, respectively. For example, run these commands separately:
python3 simulation navigation_system 2
python3 analysis navigation_system 2
├── ros2_system # System execution in ROS2-Foxy
│ └── src # Package src folder
│ ├── rt_msgs # Custom real-time message package
│ │ ├── msg # Single ECU chains + results
│ │ │ ├── RTEntry.msg # Entries for end-to-end measurements
│ │ │ └── RTHeader.msg # Header for end-to-end measurements
│ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt # Build instructions
│ │ └── package.xml # Package details
│ └── rt_nodes # Output for the runtime evaluation
│ ├── include # Include files
│ │ └── rt_nodes #
│ │ ├── rt_node.hpp # Real-time node classes
│ │ └── rt_register.hpp # Real-time end-to-end registers
│ ├── src # Source files
│ │ ├── main.cpp # Main function
│ │ └── rt_node.cpp # Real-time node classes
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt # Build instructions
│ └── package.xml # Package details
├── simulation_and_analysis # Python simulation and upper bound analysis
│ ├── # Analysis and simulation main script
│ ├── # Entries for end/to/end measurements
│ ├── # ROS2 executor model
│ ├── # RTHeader message model
│ ├── # ROS2 node model
│ ├── # ROS2 subscription model
│ └── # ROS2 timer model
The following tables describe the mapping between content of our paper and the source code in this repository.
Section 6 (Cause-Effect Chain Upper Bound Analysis):
Paper theorem | Source code | methods |
(1) Maximum Reaction Time | | calculate_upper_bounds() |
Section 7.A (Executor Simulation):
Paper algorithm | Source code | methods |
(1) Executor Simulation | | simulate_next_processing_window() |
Section 7.B (Online timing measurement):
Paper algorithm | Source code | methods |
(2) Message Creation | rt_node.cpp | RTNode::*Callback() |
(3) Subscription Execution | rt_node.cpp | RTNode::*SubscriptionCallback() |
(4) Timer Execution | rt_node.cpp | RTNode::*TimerCallback() |
The experiments are split into three parts:
- ROS2 system execution
- ROS2 system simulation
- Upper bound analysis
The ROS2 system execution requires a system running Ubuntu 20.04, while the ROS2 system simulation and Upper bound analysis can be run on any system running Python 3. Please note that we are running Python 3.8.10, which is the current version that is provided with Ubuntu 20.04.
For the ROS2 system execution, ROS2-Foxy is required.
The installation steps can be found here:
Add ROS2 to your bashrc file:
echo 'source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
Install Eclipse Cyclone DDS:
sudo apt install ros-foxy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
Install colcon:
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
To switch to Cyclone DDS, execute the following command after launching every terminal:
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Or add the line to the .bashrc file in your home folder:
echo 'export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp' >> ~/.bashrc
Note that you need to start a new terminal to run the commands in the bashrc file.
The following steps explain how to deploy the experiments on the machine.
First, clone the git repository or download the zip file:
git clone
Move into the ros2_system folder, change the permissions of the script to be executable, and execute natively:
cd ros2_system
chmod 777
As a reference, we utilize a machine running Ubuntu 20.04, with an AMD Ryzen 5900 12-Core Processor (12 Cores, 24 Threads) with 3,7GHz and 32GB RAM.
For the virtual machine, we enabled 4 cores and 4096 MB of RAM.
- Harun Teper
- Mario Günzel
- Niklas Ueter
- Georg von der Brüggen
- Jian-Jia Chen
This work has been supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the course of the project 6GEM under the funding reference 16KISK038.