Pipeline processor (32 bits) in riscv architecture, made in VHDL and running in the GHDL 0.33 environment. Inspired in the processor LEGv8.
- Instruction memory are not included in VHD files, it is inserted as rom.dat in testbench(Processador_pipeline_tb.vhd)
- rom.dat (Instruction Memory) have 256 KiB with a simple program writed.
- Data memory is already implemented in the processor.
Core Instruction Formats
Instruction Set with their respective name, formats, opcodes, funct3, funct7 and description:
Instruction | Name | Format | Opcode | funct3 | funct 7 | Description |
ADD | ADD | R | 0110011 | 0x0 | 0x00 | rd = rs1 + rs2 |
SUB | SUB | R | 0110011 | 0x0 | 0x20 | rd = rs1 - rs2 |
OR | OR | R | 0110011 | 0x6 | 0x00 | rd = rs1 OR rs2 |
AND | AND | R | 0110011 | 0x7 | 0x00 | rd = rs1 AND rs2 |
SLL | Shift Left Logical | R | 0110011 | 0x1 | 0x00 | rd = rs1 << rs2 |
SRL | Shift Right Logical | R | 0110011 | 0x5 | 0x00 | rd = rs1 >> rs2 |
SRA | Shift Right Arith | R | 0110011 | 0x5 | 0x20 | rd = rs1 >> rs2 |
SLT | Set Less Then | R | 0110011 | 0x2 | 0x00 | rd = (rs1 < rs2)?1:0 |
MUL | Multiplication | R | 0110011 | 0x0 | 0x01 | rd = rs1 * rs2[31:0] |
ADDI | ADD Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x0 | - | rd = rs1 + imm |
ORI | OR Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x6 | - | rd = rs1 OR imm |
ANDI | AND Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x7 | - | rd = rs1 AND imm |
SLLI | Shift Left Logical Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x1 | imm[5:11]=0x00 | rd = rs1 << imm[0:4] |
SRLI | Shift Right Logical Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x5 | imm[5:11]=0x00 | rd = rs1 >> imm[0:4] |
SRAI | Shift Right Arith Immediate | I | 0010011 | 0x5 | imm[5:11]=0x20 | rd = rs1 >> imm[0:4] |
SLTI | Set Less Than Imm | I | 0010011 | 0x2 | - | rd = (rs1 < imm)?1:0 |
LW | Load Word | I | 0000011 | 0x2 | - | rd = M[rs1+imm][0:31] |
SW | Store Word | S | 0100011 | 0x2 | - | M[rs1+imm][0:7] = rs2[0:31] |
BEQ | Branch Equal | B | 1100011 | 0x0 | - | if(rs1 == rs2) PC += imm |
BNE | Branch Not Equal | B | 1100011 | 0x1 | - | if(rs1 != rs2) PC += imm |
BLT | Branch Less Than | B | 1100011 | 0x4 | - | if(rs1 < rs2) PC += imm |
JAL | Jump and Link | J | 1101111 | - | - | rd = PC+4; PC += imm |
JALR | Jump and Link Reg | I | 1100111 | 0x0 | - | rd = PC+4; PC = rs1 + imm |
Datapath retired from: Figure 4.65 - Computer Organization and Design by David A Patterson and John L Hennessy
Signals from the Control Unit and their respective effects within the data flow
Table retired from: Figure 4.48 - Computer Organization and Design by David A Patterson and John L Hennessy