💬 I’m Zhang Yuan from Peking University.
🌱 I’m currently working on Deep Learning and Model Compression.
💬 I’m Zhang Yuan from Peking University.
🌱 I’m currently working on Deep Learning and Model Compression.
DAMO-YOLO: a fast and accurate object detection method with some new techs, including NAS backbones, efficient RepGFPN, ZeroHead, AlignedOTA, and distillation enhancement.
YOLOv5 Series Multi-backbone(TPH-YOLOv5, Ghostnet, ShuffleNetv2, Mobilenetv3Small, EfficientNetLite, PP-LCNet, SwinTransformer YOLO), Module(CBAM, DCN), Pruning (EagleEye, Network Slimming), Quanti…
[NeurIPS'24] Official implementation of paper "Unveiling the Tapestry of Consistency in Large Vision-Language Models".
Official implementation of paper "SparseVLM: Visual Token Sparsification for Efficient Vision-Language Model Inference" proposed by Peking University and UC Berkeley.