An application that allows users to create and manage a to-do list.
Required Features:
The user should be able to create a new task and assign a description and priority to it. The user should be able to mark the task as done. The user should have an overview of all tasks and their status (completed/incomplete). The user should be able to edit or delete an existing task. The application should allow saving task data to a file so that it can be retrieved the next time it is run.
Possible extensions:
Add the ability to filter tasks by priority, creation date, or status. Implement alerts (e.g. through notifications) for upcoming task deadlines. Allow users to create and manage to-do lists (eg personal, work, school).
When creating a project, you can try creating classes for representing tasks, managing collections, working with inputs and outputs, and other basic Java concepts. You can also use OOP principles as I mentioned earlier and implement classes like Task to represent a single task and TaskManager to manage a list of tasks.
cd java
mvn compile exec:java
GeorgeQuantAnalyst 🤔 |
LucyQuantAnalyst 💻 |