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Franklin DM edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 5 revisions

What is Splashed?

Adds a splash screen to Pale Moon, Thunderbird, and maybe SeaMonkey in the future. Supports sound, opacity, CSS customization, custom images, and much more. You can add {appVersion}, {buildID} and {userAgent} to the loading text and it will be filled in for you.

It is a fork of the discontinued Splash! add-on for Firefox.


  • Option to close Splash screen immediately after browser window opens
  • Button to browse locally for splash image and/or startup sound
  • Auto splash image size detection and padding refactoring


Pale Moon Add-ons site or in the releases section of this repository.

A few notes

To make the background of the splash transparent you must go to the add-on's options, under background, put "transparent" as the background.


If you would want to make your splash screen animated (i.e. fade in/out, 3D transforms, etc), you can add this to your userChrome.css file or use the Stylish extension and create a new user style including this:

#splashBox {
    animation-name: splashAnimation;
    animation-duration: 1s; /* change this to how long you want it to happen */

and any of these examples:

Fold startup:

/* This example makes the splash fold on startup*/
@keyframes splashAnimation {
    from {
        transform: scaleY(0);
    to {
        transform: scaleY(1);

Fade in:

/* This example makes the splash fold on startup*/
@keyframes splashAnimation {
    from {
        opacity: 0;
    to {
        opacity: 1;

Just modify the contents of from {} and to {} with your own CSS properties.

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