A platform to connect organisations looking for volunteers with (young) people looking for opportunities to volunteer.
Facilitate the process of matching organisations and volunteers.
Encourage people to get involved in volunteering activities.
Help manage, organise and validate volunteering work.
organisations looking for volunteers.
People seeking volunteer opportunities.
Teachers who need to check and validate service hours for students.
Facebook volunteering pages.
Ask local organisations directly.
As someone who want to volunteer I want to visit the site and see a list of organisations looking for volunteers and be able register my interest in particular roles.
As an organisation looking for volunteers I want to visit the site and add volunteer roles for people to apply to.
As a volunteer
I want to
Visit the home page and have a brief explanation about what the site is about
Click on a button on the home page that shows me a list of organisations
As an organisation,
I want to visit the site, and click on an organisation button to add new roles that we need volunteers for
I want to receive emails when new volunteers apply
I want to be able to log in a see roles I am advertising for, and see how many people are avaliable.
Readme doesn't explain site:
- Make readme better
Colour scheme causes clashes:
- Make a more focused colour scheme
Home page overflow:
Redesign home page, ensure it all fits on one page
General Design:
Make it look more like an app
No form validation:
Make sure we validate the form inputs
Number of applicants so far
We shouldn't limit the number of applicants, so maybe the applicants don't need to know how many other people have applied - have a "no volunteers yet" label
Design might change depending on the language due to direction of text, design to account for both
Why group roles by organisation?
If we do this, we can't sort the list in a sensible way
Instead, have the org name as part of the role listing, and then order by date, or org name or what we want to.
Not much info on listing page, have to click through:
- Add more information to each listing (Role 1, Org Name, Location, Start Date, End Date)
No info on role you are applying for when filling out form:
Add info on role to form page
Home page info:
Not hugely informative, make it more.