A driver/server for a fingerprint sensor and door lock using Raspberry Pi and a custom shield.
This is a software component of the Minutiae fingerprint door lock system.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Use at YOUR OWN RISK.
fp-server handles the "low level" tasks such as:
- Initialization and communication with the fingerprint sensor (such as DY-50).
- Continuously try to scan the fingerprint and detect a match.
- Enroll and store new fingerprints.
- Communication with the minutiae backend using MQTT.
- Lock/unlock the door using the electrical door buzzer, drive some LEDs and input button, etc.
- Backup the fingerprint templates in a MariaDB/MySQL database.
When enrolling a new fingerprint, fp-server is switched into enroll mode. The same finger has to be presented to the sensor 2 times. fp-server repeatedly tries to scan and enroll until 2 matching fingerprints were scanned. fp-server switches back to normal mode after the enroll was successful or if enrolling was aborted or timed out.
All MQTT messages are formatted using JSON syntax. The following MQTT topics are received by fp-server:
ENROLL {"pattern": "ENROLL", "data":{"run": true/false}} Tries to scan an new fingerprint and store it. If "run": false, enrolling is aborted.
DELETE {"pattern": "DELETE", "data":{"externalFingerId": ...}}
Delete the fingerprint id from sensor and database. -
UNLOCK {"pattern": "UNLOCK", "data":{"keepOpen": true/false}} Unlock the door. If "keepOpen": true the door stays unlocked, otherwise it is locked again after SINGLE_OPEN_TIME.
LOCK {"pattern": "LOCK", "data":{}} Lock the door.
The following MQTT topics are sent by fp-server:
MATCH {"pattern": "MATCH", "data":{"externalFingerId": ..., "score": ..., "button": true/false}} The finger externalFingerId was detected on the sensor. score is the match quality. If the sensor button was pressed button=true.
ENROLL_FINISHED {"pattern": "ENROLL_FINISHED", "data":{"externalFingerId": ..., "success": true/false} Enrolling finger externalFingerId is finished. If enrolling failed, success=false.
fp-server is meant to run on a Raspberry Pi using the custom shield (link to project). However it is possible to compile and run on a regular PC running Debian/Ubuntu for testing/debugging purpose. In this case the fingerprint sensor has to be connected using a serial-to-USB adapter. Of course all the GPIO related commands (door buzzer, LEDs, ...) will not work.
Run this command to install the required debian packages for building fp-server:
$ sudo apt install git qt5-default qtcreator qtbase5-private-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5sql5-mysql
The QtMqtt library has to be built manually:
$ git clone https://code.qt.io/qt/qtmqtt.git -b 5.12
$ cd qtmqtt
$ qmake -r
$ make
$ sudo make install
To build and debug fp-server Qt-Creator can be used. As the Raspberry Pi tends to run out of RAM when building with Qt-Creator it is recommended to build with one thread only (-j1).
mosquitto is recommended as a MQTT broker:
$ sudo apt install mosquitto
To allow commands from local clients only, append the line:
listener 1883 localhost
to the file:
MQTT-explorer can be used to debug MQTT messages.
MariaDB is used as a database in the Minutiae project, therefore it is recommended to install and configure the database during the installation of Minutiae.
fp-server comes with a configuration file named 'fp-server.conf'. This file has to be present in same folder as the executable file.