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A minimal, frontend-only decentralized application (Dapp) running on the Ethereum blockchain

dev workflow

redeploy all smart contracts

./testrpc 1> testrpc.log
truffle migrate --reset
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

use the same addresses when restarting testrpc ./testrpc --accounts=3 --deterministic --mnemonic="doom and destruction" 1> testrpc.log & resulting in private keys:

Available Accounts
(0) 0x425a9fc174c4d5ecbfd6798bd08884f0742a8b3d //Passenger
(1) 0x285e2ed5c93f237927840070ab4ff6da36999115 //Driver
(2) 0x0737152f6889103bf923b0d87bac0ee5cae901e4

Private Keys
(0) be353e8dc9ae5e8e5e2b79ebfbf1aa030924faa69f8c49c8aac83e99d8f125f1
(1) fa058b06d8bf72c69594e84ed0832398f81140b7b12a97d12e0e7b72c5d457a5
(2) 7024a6710ce0fa9509ba2f25acec904cce7d8a609cbbc09ef2c4e801af57a750

HD Wallet
Mnemonic:      doom and destruction
Base HD Path:  m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}


We build a Contract for every user. If two users match together, the contracts work like state machines whicht communicate together and push them into new states. Therefore in the end the passenger transfers an amount of money to the driver. So in the beginning a driver is looking for a passanger to participate his drive. Then you got two accepts, one for the driver one for the passenger. There's no error handling if one does not accept at the moment, but if both accept the two contracts begin to interact together. When they arrive they send an acknowledge, same like before if both acknowledge the transfer gets triggered.