Team: @michiboo
Mentor: @BruceIngleby, @MohamedDahoui
The aim of this project is to obtain aircraft metadata for AMDAR data.
To install the api manually please follow the steps in .travis.yml
It have to use a specific version of chrome, in this case it use version 75, if your chrome version is differnt. Visit to download corresponding chromedriver and put it in chromedriver folder.
To use the script in other directory, run the command below:
To add it permanently to python path:
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:'$PWD >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
To retrieve routes and plane type:
from planeTypeAPI import api
a = api()
flightID = a._getTypeByID('CX19',option=1) # option 1 - flightaware , 0 - flightradar24
routes = a.getRoutebyAware('PDX','SEA') # get routes from flightaware
routestat = a.getRouteByStat('PDX','SEA', 20190510192005) # get routes from flightstats
To get plane type for AMDAR or AIREP data:
1. Place extracted txt files in rawdata/amdw folder
2. Initiate planetypedb()
from planeTypeAPI import planetypedb
a = planetypedb()
3. remove first line of AIREP file (a line with statistic) if exists
4. filter the data with altitude (default=3000)
5. get plane type and insert into sqlite database
In the directory run
sudo docker build -t [tag name] .
sudo docker run -it [tag name]
Thank you @jwagemann for organize ESOWC event!