Homeworks done during second course of HSE Software Engineering university study/
Week number | Tasks |
1 | Counting and Radix sort |
2 | Heap build and sort |
3 | Quick sort |
4 | Merge sort & task on merge-sort |
5 | BFS and DFS |
6 | some BFS and DFS tasks |
7 | Boruvka, Kruskala and Prima algos |
8 | BellmanFord, Deikstra, FloydWorshell, Johnson and Matrix multiplication |
9-10 | Substring search, string border array |
11 | Damerau-Levenshtein, LevenshteinDistance and Wagner-Fisher |
12 | Dynamic programming tasks |
13 | Backpack dynamics tasks |
14 | Combinatorics |
15 | Combinatorics (strange) tasks |
16 | Haffman and Shannon-Fano coding |
Week number | Tasks |
1 | Point - c++ introduction |
2 | SafeArray - array with exception helpers |
3 | StackMachine - Reverse Polish notation implementation |
4 | NiceQueue - queue using 2 stacks |
5 | BrokenDNA - Singly linked list |
6 | EnchList - Doubly linked list |
7 | SkipList |
8 | EuropeByRail - graph using Deikstra |
9-10 | HospitalTrouble - heap |
11 | RB-tree |
12 | B-tree |
13 | SpellChecking - HashTables |