WARNING: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE! It relies on the "fbchat" library which is unmaintained and broken due to Facebook API changing. This repository is serving strictly as an archive
This tool will let you track your facebook friends activity habits and generate nice statistics from it.
Warning: This tool is only Python3 compatibible!
You will need to install a couple of additional libraries:
pip install sqlite3 jinja2 fbchat pyaml
You can either set the parameters in config.yaml file, or pass it from the CLI. Example of the second way:
python fb-activity-tracker.py --env=dev --user=your_fb_email --password=your_fb_password
This command will start logging activity into updates.db file.
This is simple, yet powerful tool. Usage:
python generate-report.py <options>
Generate report for a single user. Example:
python generate-report.py --user=facebook_user_id
Generate report for multiple users. Pass users id separated by commas or 'all' to include all users in the report (Warning: possibly huge file)
python generate-report.py --users=facebook_user_id,facebook_user_id,facebook_user_id