The main goal of this bundle is to be able to recover an option (key / value) stored in the database.
composer require damian972/options-bundle
// HelloController.php
use Damian972\OptionsBundle\Contracts\OptionsInterface;
use Damian972\OptionsBundle\Entity\Option;
// note: this example is tested with PHP 8
public function greeting(OptionsInterface $options): Response
$options->set(Option::make('greeting', 'World'));
// define a parent if you have multiple key with the same name
// will create an new entry with parent field "global"
$options->set(Option::make('greeting', 'World', 'global'));
// if you want to use a custom name
$options->set(Option::make('greeting', 'World')->setName('Greeting to the world'));
$greeting = 'Hello';
$greetingOpt = $options->get('greeting'); // or $options->get('greeting', 'global') if you want the entry with the parent "global"
if (null !== $greetingOpt) {
$greeting .= " {$greetingOpt}"; // or $greetingOpt->getValue();
} else {
$greeting .= ' John';
# config/packages/options.yaml
# when set to true every call to get an "option" will trigger an SQL query unless it is already called
# else, it will make one query to get all the "options" in the database when the get method is called for the first time
# and cache others "options" in an associative array
lazy: false # optionnal
# entity class that represents an "option" object and implements the Damian972\OptionsBundle\Contracts\OptionInterface
target_entity: Damian972\OptionsBundle\Entity\Option # optionnal