The VAD receives 8kHz, 16-bit, mono, signed-linear PCM data over a TCP socket, running it through the Silero VAD ML model, and returns for each processed block a one-byte unsigned integer (00-FF) for the confidence that voice is present.
Generally, we seem to be able to use fairly high confidences as a threshold:
>97% (> 0xF7
Usage note: the model is intended as an aggregate, so whenever the client side determines that it has sufficient data to indicate a voice, it should terminate the connection, dialing again when it wants to detect voice again, even if that is during the same telephone conversation.
Samples may be tested with ffmpeg
and nc
, like so:
$ ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -re -i test.wav -f s16le - | nc localhost 3030 |hexdump