Library to blueprint and procedurally generate dungeons.
First put following dependencies into your pom.xml
<!-- For the actual generation -->
<!-- For displaying the dungeon -->
Now you can simply load the blueprints, generate a seed and let the generator do the work for you:
// load the blueprint sprites
val spriteSheetImage: BufferedImage
val blueprints = ImageRoomBlueprintLoader(spriteSheetImage, gridSize = 16).load()
val seed = generateSeed()
val generator = SinglePathDungeonGenerator(seed, blueprints, pathLength = 15)
val generatedRooms: List<DungeonRoom> = generator.generate()
// do something with the generated rooms.
For this example we used the simplest form of generator: The SinglePathDungeonGenerator
. With that, a room will only connect to the previous and next one. Now let's just display the
dungeon, that we've created:
val visualizer = DungeonVisualizer(*generatedRooms.toTypedArray())
visualizer.isVisible = true
And done. The application should now show something like the following: