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MagicMirror plug-in module that displays a table of MySQL SELECT results


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A MagicMirror² module to connect to a MySQL database, run a SELECT query and display the resultset as a styled HTML table.

Example screen -- rows Example screen -- no rows

Each table refreshes on a schedule you set in the config.js file.


The module mysql must be installed. Sometimes this is already the case. So check: find ~/MagicMirror/node_modules/ -name "mysql" If you get /home/<yourUserName>/MagicMirror/node_modules/mysql you are fine.

If not: npm install mysql In case your machine (such as a Raspberry Pi) crashes on install for for instance due to a CPU overload (running Grafana Server, MagicMirror and other stuff at the same time) and the installation of mysql fails: Deleting deleting the hole node_modules directury and reinstalling might help: sudo rm -r ~/MagicMirror/node_modules/ and then npm i ((from Stackoverflow))[]


Run these commands at the root of your MagicMirror² install:

cd modules
git clone
cd MMM-MysqlQuery
npm install
cd ../..


If you already have a version of MMM-MysqlQuery, run the following to pick up new code changes:

cd modules/MMM-MysqlQuery
git pull
npm install


Edit your config/config.js file and add a new object to the modules array like any other module:

var config = {
    modules: [
            module: 'MMM-MysqlQuery',
            config: {
                connection: {
                    host: "",
                    port: 3306,
                    user: "joeshmoe",
                    password: "coffeecoffeecoffee",
                    database: "nagios-export"
                query: `select name, price, qty, price * qty as total, expires
                        from spices
                        order by name
                        limit 3`,
    			intervalSeconds: 15 * 60,
                emptyMessage: "No spices",
                columns: [
                    { name: "name",     title: "Spice", cssClass: "left", nullValue: "???" },
                    { name: "price",    title: "Cost", cssClass: "right", precision: 3, prefix: "$" },
                    { name: "qty",      title: "Amt",  cssClass: "right" },
                    { name: "total",    title: "Total", cssClass: "right", precision: 2,
                                        prefix: "$", thousandsSeparator: "," },
                    { name: "expires",  title: "Expires On", nullValue: "(none)",
                                        dateFormat: "datetime", dateLocale: "en-GB" }
Option Type Required? Description
connection object yes Object with fields suitable for connecting to MySQL. This entire object is passed to function createConnection in the Node.js "mysql" module. The specific attributes recognized are documented at The full docs of the library are at The items below in this table are a quick reference to the commonly-used keys so you don't have to jump to the other docs all the time. string yes Full DNS hostname or IP address of the MySQL database
connection.port number yes Port MySQL is listening on (probably 3306)
connection.user string NO Optional username to use when connecting
connection.password string NO Optional password for connection.user
connection.database string yes Database name inside the MySQL instance
query string yes SQL SELECT to run on the server (bind variables not supported, all values hard-coded inline). You can use the back-tick syntax to write multi-line strings ("here" strings) in the config/config.js file for readability.
intervalSeconds number yes Number of seconds to wait before re-running the query above and replacing the HTML table on the screen
emptyMessage string yes Short, human-readable string to display on the screen if query completes successfully but returns no matching rows.
columns array of objects required Array of objects, each of which defines a column to display in the HTML table, with formatting parameters. The columns displayed on the screen are determined by the order and title given in this columns array, not based on the order of columns returned from the database. This means if you don't keep columns in sync with the names of the columns in query, you may have empty columns in HTML table, or columns returned from the database that are ignored.
columns[n].name string yes Name of the column returned from query to display in the HTML table
columns[n].title string NO Title for this column on HTML table. If this is omitted, name is used instead.
columns[n].cssClass string NO CSS class name to add to the <td> element for each cell of this column. This can be literally anything you want. For custom styling, create your own CSS file and reference your class names here in cssClass. By default, no class it added to the TD element. MMM-MysqlQuery ships with three pre-defined class names you can use: left, center, and right that just set text-align appropriately.
columns[n].nullValue string NO If a null value is returned from query for this column, nullValue will be used instead of an empty string.
columns[n].precision number NO Sets the number of decimal places to display to this many digits, fixed.
columns[n].thousandsSeparator string NO When displaying numbers, use this value as the separator between groups of three whole digits. For example, use " " for French and German, "." for Italian and Norwegian, and "," for US-English and Thai (see this doc from Oracle for examples).
columns[n].prefix string NO Arbitrary string to display in each cell before the value returned from the database query.
columns[n].suffix string NO Arbitrary string to display in each cell after the value returned from the database query.
columns[n].dateFormat date, time, or datetime NO Controls if the date, time, or both is displayed for columns holding date/time data.
columns[n].dateLocale string NO How to format date and time data in your locale. Value is an ISO 639-1 2 or 5 character abbreviation, like "fr" for generic English, "fr-FR" for French as spoken in France, or "fr-CA" for French as spoken in Canada.
column[n].displayType text or html NO Controls how values from the database are inserted into the HTML DOM. text means all HTML-specific stuff is escaped so if the database value is <b>hi!</b> this will appear literally. html does no escaping, so <b>hi!</b> will display as "hi!". The default is text.

Quick Column Recipes

Don't sweat the above, odds are you can just include { name: "fubar" } and let the system display something good enough.

Type of Data Recipe Comments
Plain strings { name: "fubar" } Take defaults for everything. Column name in HTML is column name from database (fubar in this example)
Numbers { name: "fubar" } Takes default display for the number, based on the server type.
Currency in USA { name: "fubar" precision: 2, thousandsSeparator: ",", prefix: "$" } Prefix with "$", 2 decimal places
Currency in Germany { name: "fubar" precision: 2, thousandsSeparator: " ", suffix: "€" } Non-English european languages put the Euro symbol after the digits, see wikipedia.
Dates { name: "fubar", dateFormat: "date", dateLocale: "es-ES" } Only displays day, month, and year in Spanish locale


Other ideas and things I'd like to build in eventually. Feel free to comment and suggest others.

  • Fade the last row to black
  • Conversion dictionaries that style or pick values to display based on lookup from the raw value from MySQL


MagicMirror plug-in module that displays a table of MySQL SELECT results







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  • JavaScript 94.6%
  • CSS 5.4%