This is a Matplotlib binding for Rust. Its interface tries to be similar to the Matplotlib one (so users knowing the Python version can easily search for the corresponding functions) but deviating whenever it makes sense (for example, to specify optional arguments) to have a nice Rust interface. Data is shared between Rust and Python (no copying, no temporary files).
This library is work in progress.
The binding is made using PyO3, thus you “need to ensure that your Python installation contains a shared library”. Of course you also need Matplotlib to be installed.
If you installed Python and matplotlib using
anaconda, you must use conda
activate to
make sure the PATH
is correct and also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(on MacOSX) to the directory containing
the Python shared library. For example, in a bash shell:
eval "$(conda shell.bash activate)"
use matplotlib as plt;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let (fig, [[mut ax]]) = plt::subplots()?;
ax.xy(&[1., 2., 3., 4.], &[1., 4., 2., 3.]).plot();"basic_example.svg")?;